Humble servant of the Nation

Malcolm Turnbull: the Wile E. Coyote of Australian politics

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As we sit and wait for news of the fate of the seven dual citizens as they traipse from their parliamentary offices with the woebegone air of condemned men and women to the High Court this afternoon, it is worth reflecting on the sort of week the government has already had.

There is a prescient sense of deja vu about it. The Turnbull government often has good Tuesday afternoons but come the weekend, the control of the agenda has been lost, a scandal has emerged, or infighting on the backbenches has turned into a donnybrook. The familiar theme is, in any one week of the Turnbull government, one step forward and three back.

Indeed it has happened so often the thought occurs that possibly Malcolm Turnbull isn’t very good at being prime minister.

Full column here.


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