Humble servant of the Nation

Sugar, sugar everywhere so let’s all have a drink

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russ-hinzeThe long, soul-destroying national debate has begun. Should the Commonwealth find yet another way of pick-pocketing the citizenry by taxing sugar?

Predictably the Greens are behind the push, having gone to the last election with a sugar tax as part of their grab bag of feel good policies. The Greens have said they will introduce a “sugar-sweetened beverages tax” as a private members’ bill in the ongoing freak show that is the Australian Senate at some time over the next 12 months.

Barnaby Joyce was incandescent – well, more incandescent with rage at the proposal.

“People are sitting on their backsides too much, and eating too much food and not just soft drinks, eating too many chips and other food,” Barnaby said.

Perhaps inadvertently, the Deputy Prime Minister had outed himself as a hand wringer for the public good of a different kind. He’s pro-sugar but anti-fat.

Full column here.


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  • Lou oTOD says:

    AGL confirms electricity prices will rise 10% in Victoria thanks to the Hazelood closure with no planned base load replacement, compared to the 4% Andrews promised.

    Meanwhile another outage in South Australia affected 200,000 households overnight, plus the State’s major employer at Olympic Dam. The government’s response to BHP? Build your on power station?

    FFS we are being left in the dark by the leftie renewable but not reliable industry, and will continue to pay dearly for it. Oh and Labor and the Greens now wan all coal powered stations shut down, WFMD that’s going to work isn’t it? Sugar sugar everywhere and a bitter taste the only result.

  • Rodent says:

    Great results by Kevin Donnelly stating the real reason why Australia last 20 years going backwards is our curriculum has been dumbed down , education fads enquiry learning and teacher “facilitators” prevail and education departments are drowing teachers in red tape.
    No shrprise as Donnelly in the past saying mad subjects and mad ministers like Tanya Plibersick does not understand education when proven throwing more money at it , goes backwards.
    Since 1998 , funds have doubled on education yet results gone backwards leaving many new overseas countries advancing ahead of Australia.

    • Lou oTOD says:

      Yes Rodent our education system and our educators have given us the diabolical outcome of being outperformed by Kazakhstan who had just a little help from the World Bank, nothing like what we have poured into the sector.

      It is despairing that we admit trainee teachers into tertiary degrees with entry scores as low as 38, hardly even literate. There are many good people doing their best to train th next generation, but they see swimming against an incoming tide. Pouring more money into a system which is broken is just sending good money after bad. Nationalise the whole bloody lot and get some business nouse to control it I say. Too many agendas at play right now.

  • Rodent says:

    Looks like our democracy has taken a turn backwards after these grubby ferals in parliament with their rabble were forced out into holding cells .
    As for universities and modern day lecturers , a complete overhaul is needed on what is being taught now seen deviating away from the the career teachings of the past been successful .We have education in schools back in the news as slipping into reverse with many countries pulling ahead after discoveries of mad subjects like genda , sex and safe schools meaning dangerous schools seeing parents pulling kids out of schools . Keven Donnely today writes well on this.

  • Carl on the Coast says:

    Dismayed 9.59am 30/11

    I noticed you appear to be pre-empting another “dishonest ideological campaign” by the “cons”. You have referred to research data offered by The Guardian who have relied upon Citi Research, a division of Citigroup, and you have apparently gleaned from such research that a reduction in penalty rates “will NOT increase employment” (your words). I note The Guardian article is not quite as emphatic as you are. They use “suggest” rather than your “will NOT”, but we won’t split hairs.

    Regarding “dishonesty”, I’m on your side mate in calling it out in all its forms, including by “cons”, whomever and whatever they may be.

    BTW Dismayed, were you aware that the standard bearer for The Guardian’s research in this instance (ie Citigroup) is a long-time donor to left wing pressure groups. They also appear to have quite an unattractive track record with criticisms including, conflicts of interest on investment research, alleged money laundering, bond trading scandals, security scandals, allegations of theft from customer accounts, and so on, They were also reportedly up to their eyeballs in subprime dodgy deals during the GFC era. They were even apparently insolvent at one stage.

    But getting back to the “dishonesty” issue , I agree mate we must flush it out whenever it pops is head up, eh.

  • Jean Baptiste says:

    Dwight 9-23AM

    So maths and science has been in decline since you’ve been here? No surprises there. What are ya, a classic Yanqui foreign aid package?

    Milton 9:53AM

    Let it go Milton. It was 1959, your man in Havana took his eye off the ball and that was that.
    C’mon little fella, you’ve had Pinochet, Marcos, The Shah, Franco just to start with. How much lovin’ do you need?
    And yep, way to go, bugger the convention and obligations, let ’em die out of sight and out of mind.
    You haven’t decided what to identify as?
    You’re not in touch with your essential self Milton.

  • Milton says:

    Not a great morning. Have had my coffee fix but as yet have not decided as what I will identify as today. I think it best I go back to bed and see what side I wake up on.

  • Dismayed says:

    This will be the next dishonest ideological campaign the cons run at Penalty rates data shows it will NOT increase employment. It will take more money from the working poor to prop up profits for the cons benefactors. The ABCC legislation is a typical disgraceful ideological piece of work. The legislation defies the WHS acts by forcing individuals to prove something is not safe rather than the PCBU being responsible or sites. It will further reduce apprentice numbers and being a Civil instrument will do nothing to stop so called Criminal activity. But the sheep of the flock get into line and support it blindly. It is pure ideology against collective bargaining. As previously said unit cost have been dropping in construction. Construction wages have grown slower than other sectors and has had better productivity gains. Disgraceful ideology. No Surprises.

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