Humble servant of the Nation


Finally, it is over and the results are in. The result of the same-sex postal survey is entirely predictable and mirrors polls taken over …


The cavalcade of identity confusion continues in the federal parliament with Labor backbencher Justine Keay announcing today she would refer her case to the …


Will the last one out of the parliament please remember to turn the pie warmer off at Aussie’s Cafe? The worst thing we can …


As we sit and wait for news of the fate of the seven dual citizens as they traipse from their parliamentary offices with the …


I know it’s not popular to admit this but I am a relatively satisfied NBN customer. My shiny new NBN was perfect for around …


We’ve always known it. We are miles ahead of the New Zealanders. Last night in tortured reminiscence of our own political events post the …


For the record, I made several appearances on the ABC’s panel show The Drum some years ago for which I fully apologise to all …


Cancer touches every single one of us at some point, either through family and friends or directly when we sit before a medical specialist …


COAG met yesterday, the Prime Minister and the premiers of the states and chief ministers of the territories with Tasmanian premier, Will Hodgman, only …


In years to come our children might ask, “What did you do in the Macklemore War, Dad?” My response will be, “Like a lot …