The long, soul-destroying national debate has begun. Should the Commonwealth find yet another way of pick-pocketing the citizenry by taxing sugar?
Predictably the Greens are behind the push, having gone to the last election with a sugar tax as part of their grab bag of feel good policies. The Greens have said they will introduce a “sugar-sweetened beverages tax” as a private members’ bill in the ongoing freak show that is the Australian Senate at some time over the next 12 months.
Barnaby Joyce was incandescent – well, more incandescent with rage at the proposal.
“People are sitting on their backsides too much, and eating too much food and not just soft drinks, eating too many chips and other food,” Barnaby said.
Perhaps inadvertently, the Deputy Prime Minister had outed himself as a hand wringer for the public good of a different kind. He’s pro-sugar but anti-fat.
Full column here.
It will be interesting to see whether the recent decision in Brisbane on the 1974 McCulkin murders leads to any action regarding the Whisky au Go Go fire. A very messy and nasty business all round, going from corrupt police all the way to Lennie McPherson with a lot in between.
Still on the backburner bubbling away according to some Milton. Some of the players must be either deceased or in aged care by now though.
It appears that scurvy is making a comeback. Can we start talking like pirates now? My GP also says that vitamin D deficiency is becoming a problem as we don’t spend enough time in the sun. Rickets will be next.
Handful of leeches will clear that right up, Dwight.
Don’t encourage my GP, he’s ex Rhodesian. Some of the things he has prescribed are a bit witch doctorish.
I see that while some of the superficial political reactionaries on here chuck brick batts at the One Nation leader, Noel Pearson smothers her in bouquets.
The aforementioned lightweights will no doubt be flummoxed.
The Outsider 11:09PM 28th. Also Yvonne, Jazza.
Chuckle snort! I thought they were all quite similar including the astonishing Pebbles whose English seemed to improve by the paragraph. Jazza may be onto something as to the incarnations, I think it might have been the erudite Curmudgeon of High Dudgeon who in proffering his congratulations on their great works vaguely wondered if that other pairing of Burke & Hare could possibly be having a lend.
Little Orville Sun Dog is probably quite unrelated even though demonstrating that remarkable knack for being or having been “Johnny on the Spot.” Which astonished me, we must have come close during the crisis. I was the Political Officer and Torpedo Polisher First Class on the sub Lenninsky Kosmonol in that period and we were keeping a close eye on those Yanqui barcazas. (Picked up a little Espanol on shore leave in Havana).
Close run thing for Little Orville, one word from Nikita…………………….. “ouchski!”
I was much relieved that Razor in his ruminations on the name of the South African cricketer didn’t revive his fascination with Mustafa. Oh hang on, sorry, that was someone else. Name escapes me. Sorry Razor.
Give ’em heaps.
JB, TO etc
Orville seems a poor imitation of Mr DT, but who knows. Could have been fun to let it fly a little….
There was something about ‘Chris’ who could often fluctuate from a ranting loon to hint of insight and back to ranting. His own Johnny on the spot/ subject matter expert posts, spaced with having a go at Mr DT has (in hindsight) made me wonder if he was a smokescreen to deflect attention from/ scrutinisation of Mr DT. It was as Chris faded out that Ezza came on the scene and so on.
Also I wonder about Bill Grieve(?) the political hopeful, who (as much as I can tell) was the only person who had met Mr DT (who in turn tried to start his own political party) being another incarnation. They all seem to be QLD based – even Chris talked about his time in Enoggerra. Milton., anything you need to tell us?
BTW was overseas and only very occasionally checking JTI throughout 2015 and early this year so I might have missed something. Happy to be corrected.
Who knows? In the scheme of things, who cares?
Justice is supposed to be blind, not deaf and dumb:
Climbing on a politician’s roof is a low act indeed.
Only if its a basement office, Carl.
They’re gutter tactics nevertheless, darren.
“Current” PM Turnbull in his end of year wrap up speech to the faithful, Mr Insider, declared himself a winner but sadly for him Newspoll and Fairfax poll are telling him Australians are thinking otherwise. Delusional Turnbull will go into 2017 and a dud and I do doubt he can be anything else. Meanwhile ex ousted PM Abbott is positioning for a comeback as PM!
Its disappointing, but not surprising, that some on here have such a shallow understanding of the art of politics that they would advocate pissing on compromise and going for the throat.
Come on guys, its a tad more complicated than that.
Memory tells me it was Abbott who perfected the art of non compromise and going for the throat during his short terrifying stint as PM Carl.
They all carry on like brats and he was a natural, but I note nowadays he confines his venomous barbs to Turnbull.
But you are right, it isn’t complicated.
If the day ever comes when this ship of fools abolishes even half of their own greedy perks including paying their wives rent & their outrageous unlimited business class travel in retirement, that will be a game changer for everyday Australians. If we do have a critical deficit problem they might get our attention if they address all of the above now and it may even improve their low standing in a middle class society who won’t cop being treated like gullible idiots while they’re into stuffing taxpayer dollars into their own wallets every chance they get.
Regards, Bella
Mack the Knife 2:38PM
Bring an apple didja Mack? Maybe you should you should do a little research yourself before leaping in.
Orville Little Sun Dog
You sure you don’t mean “Thunder Butt Elementary School.”?
Carl on the Coast 6:30PM
What can I say.? You ham.
Give ’em heaps.
Aw shucks, can’t you take a joke? It is fact though, I was very interested in the Cuban missile crisis in a previous life.
Drew Petrie gone to the Weagles as a…rookie? Maybe Boomer could have picked up a rookie contract too?
TV, the Weagles are the proverbial fountain of youth. Petrie will be running around with a baby faced Sam Mitchell looking for a few tit bits off the table, crumbs that is.
Watch for a new Waterman to bob up, and people,will say didn’t he used to play for West Coast?
And don’t forget the Butler, if there’s an older premiership player still running around please let me know, I’m sure I’ll get a lecture with that one.
Lou, far be it from me to bag the Butler. (Maybe they just like Sams?) But it’s the rookie bit that amuses me.
Somewhat ironic that San Francisco’s gay area is named Castro. Named after a different one though.
Hadn’t thought about that too much. Was at an academic conference yonks ago. Took my best friend from grad school to a restaurant there that was highly recommended by Lonely Planet. About half way through dinner, my Morman friend commented on the lack of women. Then he twigged. Some days I can’t resist my Puckish sense of humor.
Now that’s a crowd that has segregation and discrimination down to an arse, sorry art, form, Dwight. Did your puckishness extend to wearing shiny lederhosen to go with your handlebar moustache?
You been in my closet? How’d you know I have lederhosen?
Tip: don’t wear leather shorts in the tropics.
Something to do with rawhide?
Rowdy Yates!