Humble servant of the Nation

Men’s health need not be an oxymoron

, / 11624 203

Back in August, I announced my cancer diagnosis. Last week an examination by cystoscope showed no ghastly tumour had returned to my bladder.

It’s not remission. It’s a little early for that. I’ll get the histology and cell counts in January and then we’ll know more. I suspect there’ll be more treatment, perhaps even more sessions with the dreaded catheter and a squirt or two of bovine tuberculosis just to keep me on my toes.

The post-surgery treatment entailed six of these immunotherapy sessions in all. Every Monday morning I’d be catheterised and have my bladder pumped full with attenuated bovine tuberculosis. It’s not the sort of thing you’d do for extracurricular fun voluntarily but all things being equal, it wasn’t exactly waterboarding at Guantanamo.

Full column here.


  • BASSMAN says:

    RODENT:-DING!! Electricity prices went up 70% BEFORE the carbon tax was even introduced. Where were you then?
    Why were you not screaming then? Ever heard of poles and wires? Gold plating Rodent? Read the news sometime not what Alan Jones and Bolt keep pouring in your ear.
    Here ya go….
    ABBOTT:- “Electricity prices will not rise under a Liberal government. We will hold power companies
    accountable”. WHAT a LIE! RESULT:-Power prices are MUCH higher than they were under any carbon tax that ever existed and no electricity company has been fined.
    ABBOTT:- “Every household right around Australia will benefit to the tune of $550 a year. So this is a $550 windfall to every household in Australia”-what a LIE! No one I know is $550 a year better off as a result of lower electricity prices. How could they be when they have gone up?
    Cities have not been wiped off the map and lamb is not $100 a leg. These are the lies and smoke mirrors the Liberals used to win the 2013 election. That and their lies about debt which has now run off the graph.
    When the carbon tax was applied, the compensation was so good for many (like myself) left us having cheaper electricity than we had before the tax was applied. If the carbon tax was so bad, why did unemployment hit 4.9% (6.3% under Hockey with NO GFC to wrestle with); why was there was growth of 5% over 7 quarters…what is it NOW? I will tell you. Bugger all-the economy shrank 0.5% this quarter with no GFC to fight-more than in any other time in 20yrs Bald. Gross Debt was $190billion LESS than it is now under your Looters when the carbon tax was operating; the stock market added $410billion to the nations’s wealth during the carbon tax era; wages rose 5%. Wages growth now? The lowest in 25yrs; business investment and consumer confidence was 15% better than it is now.
    If the carbon tax was so bad why did Abbott keep sucking the revenue from it before he abolished it? Morally speaking, he should have handed it back to all who paid it.

  • Rodent says:

    Sorry folks , lets try economists again this way .
    Just back on Bill Gates much reading on world population 8 billion soon says poverty 2.4 billion needs cheap coal energy while agrees on renewables research .Lets be serious , we can do with renewable research , but must take in alternatives like gas coal hrdro dams and nuclear that will be needed as with cheap coal for planet to prosper and survive .

    • Dismayed says:

      You are an imbecile. Prices fluctuate every minute of the day. I know this “Energy Market” stuff is new to you. The prices fluctuate hugely every day. would be easier for you if all comments were presents in your language, BAA, baa, baa. You are pathetic. go and have a look at the daily fluctuations across the market, you will see it fluctuates by the minute and hour etc, prices spike daily over the whole market. Baa, baa, baa.

    • Dismayed says:

      Oh another update on the spot prices. SA is currently paying $50 per mwh. less than NSW and Vic note the much lower amount of energy expected to be used in SA also. The price spiked at $300 momentarily. Oh you may wish to note QLD and other states also have a predicted spot price of about $260 per mwh at 18.00 tonight. Now who are you going to blame for the market now the left wing gay muslim barrista who make your weak luke warm herbal tea?

  • Mac says:

    Dwight, the main benefit of the internet searches is that you can usually end up at the source documents. Much to the chagrin of many journalists whose spin for either side can often be seen very clearly. Turnbull’s capitulation on the consideration of a market for emissions in the power sector as good an example as any.

    It’s also why I usually enjoy reading Greg Jericho’s pieces on employment, productivity etc.

  • Rodent says:

    Short memories in states like SA having idealogy mugs running their state after Rudd/Gillard in 6 year term drove up power charges average national at 78% .remember our quarterly power bills green scheme charges a $79!
    I posted my bill to mates who were whinging. SA will see these leaders plunge their states into darkness while ever their ars points to the ground . Idealogy is a” naive” disease plunging Labor states leading the unemployment driving up the national figures.

  • Rodent says:

    Razor 02:15pm.
    SA swimming in debts , highest Labor state unemployment , has the opportunity to adjust into reality that wind will never provide base load energy like cheap coal does with technology later provided.This is a mad driven leadership still bans gas like Victoria does ,
    Bob Hawke suggested to get them back in jobs and into the black by deep underground nuclear waste storage that can make the states per year billions richer and have surpluses.
    SA aleady near 8.3% unemployment while Labor QLD and Vic also high unemployment driving national up .
    Labor through idealogy and social engineering have always plunged this country into debts and deficits , Richo agrees on that with ecconimists.
    SA will never be free while idiots ignore the experts plunging their population into darkness and Victoria not far behind with businesses seeing this on the horizon.

  • Razor says:

    Dismal, JB and the others.

    How does the below assist in people with no money paying their bills and the creation of jobs for our young people?

    Note Qld which has heaps of coal fired power stations will have reduced prices. Tassy had hydro-electric but for christs sake don’t build another dam! Our overall emissions add nothing to the worlds levels yet you want to destroy our country’s future just so you can sit around with the other Chardonnay Socialists and earnestly tell each other how good you feel because you believe ‘The Science’ and paid the extra couple of bucks on your last QANTAS flight! You are all a disgrace and will be part of the group that destroyed the hopes and dreams of the next generation of Australians.

  • Tracy says:

    Last night was hot…….as in temperature Milton, knowing how your mind works.

  • Milton says:

    How did dismayed get a gig writing for the NYT (ok it was easy peasy), but seriously, is this transparent, unsubstantiated, paranoid and hysterical crap, or what? Ok, maybe Bassy was the ghost writer? Regardless, it seems like the left leaning media are determined, and I know not why, to sow the seeds of doubt about the president elect and his govts relationship with Russia and China. Is this journalism, opinion or malignant scuttlebutt? Having gotten Trump, and the vote, so wrong. Having long discarded objectivity and replaced it with like minded, insular, group think (ok, a tautology, or 2?) it would seem that the NYT has not learnt from its failure to report and analyse the news (and it is not alone).

    • Tracy says:

      Milton, Trump was supposed to drain the swamp instead he’s filling it with bigger, fatter Bullfrogs.

    • Dwight says:

      They’ve been the DNC newsletter for about a decade now. Used to have it delivered every morning to my office. Now it’s the Wall Street Journal instead.

  • Milton says:

    Too true, Rodent and Pauline is a lot more savvy now than she was first time around.. She’s even making Carnie Clive Palmer look like a snake oil salesman. The nations problem is that the likes of Malcolm and Bill Shitten aren’t the types that will listen to the people (like Hawke, Howard and Abbott), rather they are the types who believe (like Keating, Rudd and Gillard) that the populace need to listen to what they have to say, ad nauseam; when in fact they say nothing but talk vacuous nonsense with stoic consistency. Not unlike dismal and bassman, but using their own words. Sad to see such assiduous cut and paste men born in the wrong location and era. The Stasi would have showered these true believers in gold stars and bread tokens. But we love them in our own way – free speech, the opportunity to work, or be self employed and a social security safety net. You boys have had it so good, and in the best of times, you have no idea how ill prepared our peoples will be when the shit hits the unionised, latte drinking fan that assuages your moral indignation over niche issues. I suggest you get out more, or have a reality check. And I would suggest the same to waffles truffles and BS.
    Jim Door once sang, “I’ve been down so God damn long that it looks like up to me..”. Well our scenario will the opposite and worse. But hey, lets carry on and keep the fantastic plastic a tickin. A good deal of us are not that dumb, as the records will show.

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