Humble servant of the Nation

The real Trump derangement syndrome

, / 7852 279

Trump derangement syndrome was said to be a disorder found among those who see consistent fault in the words and deeds of the 45th POTUS.

Certainly, there have been cases where the media has been unfair and unreasonable in its treatment of Trump. The street corner psychoanalysis of Trump as often found on the pages of The Washington Post and the New York Times has been especially tedious and lamentable.

But we have a better understanding of Trump derangement syndrome now and those who point a finger at Trump’s critics have got it the wrong way around.

It is said of Trump’s presidency that no matter how chaotic or scandal riddled it has been, the media can always turn to an interview with a small group sporting MAGA baseball caps in diners in the back blocks of Wisconsin or Ohio or Arizona or western Pennsylvania who say they love Donald Trump more than ever.

I suspect there’ll be fewer of them now but still plenty for the media to call upon at will. After Helsinki, the predictable ‘Trump can do no wrong’ response is especially revealing of the symptoms and signs of the dreaded real Trump derangement syndrome.

Full column here.


  • Boadicea says:

    Things are getting ugly at the TDF.
    The French don’t particularly like the Brits, especially when they get invaded during the high season by the €10 Ryanair tourists – who wander around in their socks with open sandals, looking like boiled lobsters and making no attempt to speak French. The sigh of relief when they all buzz off in September is almost audible.
    The TDF belongs to the the French. The biggest annual sporting event in the world. It has always been fun, the participation of roadside spectators included.
    Things have turned nasty. Chuck Brexit into that mix. The Poms declaring they don’t want to be a part of Europe – but hey, hang on a sec, we would like to hang onto some of the nice subsidies etc.
    And then along comes the well-oiled – both mechanically and financially – team SKY who have ed knocked off the rest of the field for the past 4 years with methodical precision. To add insult to injury the team leader is under a hazy sort of drug cloud. Heavens above, if his asthma is that bad that he had twice the legal amount of salbutimol in his system he should have pulled out of the race where he had the positive test. Plenty of riders have to reluctantly quit the race due to illness.
    It has now got to the point where riders are being advised not to be amywhere near Froome because of the danger that presents. He is being physically attacked by irate spectators. Which of course makes it even harder to attempt to knock him off.
    The guy leading at the moment is another SKY rider – who unfortunately is also copping the flak. Froome is second at the moment.
    Not a happy situation. A real shame. If Froome wins, the victory ride up the Champs Elysses could be interesting.

  • Milton says:

    JtI – your loyalty to the Blues is admirable but thankless.

  • Milton says:

    Tracy – epl kicks off august 10 so will you be providing us with your tireless service to a tipping comp??

    I’ve now got a simonsays instead of a desali !!!??? strange going ons.

    • Tracy says:

      If the tipping comp is wanted it will be running.
      It’s the same number of weeks as the AFL but seems a long haul with draws and fixtures all over the place to factor in

      • Milton says:

        I woke up this morning and you were in 6th place, so not that big a distance from me. I’ll rally. I’m guessing you made the trip to Perth to watch a good team play tonight?!

    • Boadicea says:

      Maybe consider using another browser Milt?

    • Mack the Knife says:

      I got him too the other day, cleared my history and cached items and he went away. Try Opera

  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    Hot news, Mr. Insider as we read that “Cupboard Boy”, Julian Assange is about to be evicted from the Ecuadoran Embassy in London. Looks like he might be pushed out the front door and will have to make a run for it. Praise be!

    • Jean Baptiste says:

      “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
      George Orwell.

      • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

        Assange is a bloody pest, Mr. Baptiste, and when the Ambassador toes him up the ring out the front door do hope the waiting British Bobby gives him a right royal thwacking with his Trunchion, one for each Million the wretch has cost the British Taxpayer. Cheers

        • Jean Baptiste says:

          Yairs Henry, he is a pest to the right people. You want to live your life in a bubble protected from the truth of what really goes on in the world.
          The Assanges of the world are worth more than millions of weak kneed forelock tugging servants and enablers of the “great gamers” and their sleazy complicit governments.
          Drink your beer and lap up the circus from the comfort of your creche buttercup.

          Oh and cheers to you too, little mealy mouth.

      • Milton says:

        Here here. He knew his onions old George.

      • Bella says:

        Ain’t that the truth Jean.

      • JackSprat says:

        Ah but what is truth JB?.

        Since some believe that we are just part of a giant cosmic computer game ( and are spending millions on trying to prove it) what is truth – a mere change of the coding changes truth or maybe it just puts us into a different parallel universe. 🙂

        Truth, unfortunately, has become a causality of the modern warfare between the conflicting ideologies vying for first place to lead us on the road to ruin.

      • Carl on the Coast says:

        Tricky word is “truth”. Does it mean in accord with facts, or reality, or just being faithful to a belief or a standard? Wonder what Eric would have thought?

    • serhenry says:

      The persecution of Assange is part of a broad assault against anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist news organizations. The ruling elites, who refuse to accept responsibility for profound social inequality or the crimes of empire, have no ideological veneer left to justify their greed, ineptitude and pillage. Global capitalism and its ideological justification, neoliberalism, are discredited as forces for democracy and the equitable distribution of wealth. The corporate-controlled economic and political system is as hated by right-wing populists as it is by the rest of the population. This makes the critics of corporatism and imperialism—journalists, writers, dissidents and intellectuals already pushed to the margins of the media landscape—dangerous and it makes them prime targets. Assange is at the top of the list. Assange is a courageous and fearless publisher who is being persecuted for exposing the crimes of the corporate state and imperialism. His defense is the cutting edge of the fight against government suppression of our most important and fundamental democratic rights

      • Bella says:

        Great post serhenry.
        Assange has not been convicted of any crime yet he’ll be hunted down by the US until he’s silenced or dead.
        I too believe he is a “courageous & fearless publisher”

      • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

        Bollocks, he is nothing but a drain on Humanity a waste of good Oxygen my good fellow the sooner he gets toed up the arse out into the street the better imho. Cheers

  • Boadicea says:

    Oh the trials and tribulations of being in a marginal seat!
    For the past few weeks the noble burghers of Braddon have been hoping they can field some of the bundles of dollars that have been flying around – now they have to duck and dive to avoid the cowpats flying around from all directions

  • Milton says:

    I read that Assange may be kicked out of the embassy in the next couple of days and handed over to the brits. Unlikely to get much of a tenant reference.

    • frednurks says:

      I clicked on reply and in the box below it come up with the name of one of your regular contributors with his email address. I fear your site has been hacked and someone not so smart is trying to harvest email addresses. I will change the name but will leave the email address as published

  • Razor says:

    This blog has been quite funny and genteel. Quite a pleasure in fact. Something or someone must be missing to make it so.

    An absolute pleasure in fact.

    • Jean Baptiste says:

      Oh, I expect you will be off to flower arrangement and crochet followed by high tea with the Glee Club today dahhhhling?

    • Penny says:

      I don’t know Razor, that comment you made about Kiwis wasn’t exactly funny or genteel….in fact I’m surprised you posted it.

      • Razor says:

        I love Kiwis Penny! Played plenty of sport with them and drunk numerous beers in their company as well. It’s the criminals of any nation I despise and if we have the opportunity to deport them we should do so. It’s just unfortunate that vat the moment those from the Long White Cloud make up the majority due to us being a bit soft over the years.

    • Dismayed says:

      you need your eye checked.

  • Tracy says:

    Woke up this morning to find I’m in 4th in the footy tipping Milt, times getting on🚀

  • Carl on the Coast says:

    Crikey! …. Big Kev has forged ahead, Old Blighty’s May is way off the pace, Shorten’s Asmar and Husar have serious questions to answer and Vlad has The Donald in the squirrel grip.

    Where the hell is Lance Corporal Jones when you need him?

  • The Outsider says:

    Great final quarter from the Cats tonight – especially the Zach Tuohy goal after the siren!

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