Humble servant of the Nation

Men’s health need not be an oxymoron

, / 11630 203

Back in August, I announced my cancer diagnosis. Last week an examination by cystoscope showed no ghastly tumour had returned to my bladder.

It’s not remission. It’s a little early for that. I’ll get the histology and cell counts in January and then we’ll know more. I suspect there’ll be more treatment, perhaps even more sessions with the dreaded catheter and a squirt or two of bovine tuberculosis just to keep me on my toes.

The post-surgery treatment entailed six of these immunotherapy sessions in all. Every Monday morning I’d be catheterised and have my bladder pumped full with attenuated bovine tuberculosis. It’s not the sort of thing you’d do for extracurricular fun voluntarily but all things being equal, it wasn’t exactly waterboarding at Guantanamo.

Full column here.


  • Razor says:

    It’s terrible that these families are left devastated due to Labor / Green ideologues. If SA had its own coal fired power they would not have had to rely on Victoria. Now that’s a fact!

  • HW says:

    I’m a little late catching up on things here JTI, so first of all congratulations on the new website – looks good.

    Second and most importantly, congratulations on the positive prognosis to date – really good to hear!

  • Milton says:

    Penny – I wonder if the waiters are rude to the locals or just make a special point of being rude to the anglais and tourists? Who knows – maybe the locals don’t go there?

    Voltaire – giving up tennis in his 90’s? The old bloke is getting soft! Wonderful, inspiring stuff. No doubt good genes, along with an active life and an enquiring mind are part of the ‘secret’.

    • Penny says:

      Milton, I think they are probably just naturally rude. I do remember trying to order a glass if vin rouge and being laughed at by the waiter who told me I should just order red wine, because my pronounciation was so bad. I quite enjoyed being insulted actually, it made our Parisian experience much more enjoyable.
      I left my purse in a taxi and the taxi driver returned it to our hotel about 20 minutes later. The manager of the hotel was so flabbergasted that this had happened he frowned severely at the driver as if to indicate that his honesty was a great disappointment to him personally.
      I don’t think the waiters in Lyon Street are rude anymore though, they’ve been replaced by bright young things who hope “you have a nice day” …….very offputting “

  • BASSMAN says:

    The Turnbull appointed Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel has reported that in the last six years household energy prices have risen by 61per cent. Strange for three reasons. 1. The Liberals said electricity prices would go down with the election of a Liberal government and the abolition of the carbon tax-they have gone up…way way up! 2. Inflation has been only 14% in the same period. 3. The Liberals have lied. They said any power increases would have to pass government scrutiny and there would be heavy fines for transgressors. Heard anything about fines, scrutiny, transgressors? Nuh. Neither have I and I am STILL waiting for my $550 Abbott promised.

    • Razor says:

      How about the subsidisation of the renewable energy rentseekers. Also the carbon tax reduction is provable. Check your bill.

      • BASSMAN says:

        Er I think I will follow the science and what the Liberals have promised and repeatedly lied about Bald.

      • darren says:

        Our bills in WA have all gone up. A lot.

        • Razor says:

          Would have gone up a lot more.

        • Carl on the Coast says:

          darren – what does “a lot” actually mean. It’s not the usual simple descriptor one would expect from a chap such as yourself.

          One needs to check and compare their KWH/day usage against the same periods in previous years in the following categories:
          – basic homepeak consumption
          – basic shoulder consumption
          – basic off peak consumption

          You also need to know how much per KWH your individual consumptions in the above categories has fluctuated (+ or -) including costs per KWH.

          Unless you do the comparisons, you won’t really know why your bills “have all gone up. A lot.”

    • JackSprat says:

      In Dec 12 our electricity prices ( plus GST) were
      Off-peak .096 kw/h
      Shoulder .164
      Peak .406 kw/h
      In Nov 2016
      Off-peak .11 kw/h – increase of 15%
      Shoulder .196 kw/h – increase of 20%
      Peak ..503 kw/h – increase of 23%

      The really big increase was the Sac (connection fee) that went from .59 to .876 a day which is to be expected considering that NSW, unlike other states, fixed up its transmission lines to cater for Solar..
      Inflation during that time was about 6%

    • JackSprat says:

      The other interesting thing is that in March qtr 2012 we used 1243 kw/h at a cost of $323.
      In the November qtr 2016 we used 1373 kw/h at a cost of $330.
      The difference? In 2016 we received a $67 discount from AGL.
      Why do I have these statistic – ever I put in Solar I have been recording this stuff.

  • Dismayed says:

    The Health of the Nation would be well served by severely reducing the Private Health Insurance Subsidy of wealthy Australians in fact means test it down to $100K. The savings far outweigh the minimal extra cost to Public system. $Billions$ a year right there in Budget savings. Why are we subsidising an industry making very big profits?

    • Razor says:

      Because it reduces the load on the public system……… If you think someone with kids, a mortgage and earning a combined income of $100k is doing it easy you are more deluded than I thought.

      • Dismayed says:

        Again you have not read the latest data/research and are just barracking because your coalition team holds a position. No surprises a ridiculously moronic way to view information. The data shows that the Public system will NOT be greatly effected and the savings greatly outweigh any extra cost to the Public system. As usual you are unable to comprehend information and consider the National interest over your own rent seeking.

      • Dismayed says:

        On your comment about incomes those on $100K with a family could reduce or get rid of or keep their Health insurance. That would be their own decision to make, the resultant boost in funding to Public Health would ensure they are not adversely effected. The family could potentially save a couple of $thousand$ a year and the Nation can utilise some of the savings investing in Public health and invest the rest in other areas. Highlight where I stated those on $100k are “doing it easy”. You dishonesty is pathological.

        • Razor says:

          Horseshit! Ask people who work in the system where it will end up. How long will it take to build those extra Hospitals? Do you think the private mobs will sell their assests cheap. Typical Socialist all ideology and no practicality. Doesn’t surprise me considering your oft stated background.

          • Dismayed says:

            You really should read the data presented rather than continuing to barrack and talk your “horseshit”. I said nothing about extra hospitals but they building them does provide for future growth and many jobs during the process. why would Private hospitals have to sell? Your desperate attempts to attack anyone and anything that presents data and research is very coalition like. Pathetic.

      • Bella says:

        $100,000 Income but doing it tough!
        You should get down with the real world Razor & actually see for yourself what it’s like for a family with an combined income of half of that. It’s a soul destroying grind from week to week with the highlight of the day being seven different ways to feed a family with hamburger mince.

        It seems to me that the more you have, the more you want in our consumer driven world.
        My late Dad was a self-made millionaire but insisted he was a mr average despite his income, his penthouses & his yearly BMW updates.
        His big beef was paid parking & he’d always try to avoid it. He used to say it would “Send a man to the poorhouse.” I would laugh at that but he was deadly serious.
        Enough is never quite enough.
        Regards, Bella

  • Bella says:

    I know who the PM is but who’s the leader?
    Perhaps Cory Bananas can enlighten Australians as to why Turnbull has lost his courage to be nothing more than a hollow voice reading prepared lines to a camera.
    Is any job worth sacrificing all your integrity for?
    Absolutely not.

  • BASSMAN says:

    The Looters are to introduce a new Great Big Tax on telecommunications companies to help pay for the roll-out of the NBN in regional areas. The cost of the scheme would be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Imagine the hew and cry if Labor did this!
    The move goes against the advice of the government’s own hand-picked expert panel, which warned such a levy “causes greater distortions than it is intended to remedy”. The tax will raise $40million a year. Once a new tax is introduced it goes only one way-UP.

    • Dismayed says:

      You did not read the report did you. You simply read the article in the Australian. The AEMO report states that the Transmission lines falling over caused the blackout. The report also shows that Gas fired power fluctuated severely, about twice the fluctuation of the wind power being fed in. So the more likely reason for the power shedding was the extreme fluctuation of the Gas fired power. Another pathologically dishonest attempt by you to present an opinion piece as fact. No surprises.

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