Whether governments fall or remain on the Treasury benches, the smart punter can cash in on individual seat betting in federal elections. That is where the value always lies.
While the head to head markets did shift last week (Labor in to $1.25 from $1.40, Coalition out from $2.40 to $3.50), the individual seat markets barely moved at all. Punters might have thought it was too early or indeed they might have been so fixated on the car crash within the Liberal Party they ran out of time to have a lash.
Individual seat betting markets have only just started to reflect the events of last week and the impact on the broad electorate. If political punters are going to have a bet on the next federal election, now is the time because the value is not likely to last. The downside to this approach is the heightened risk associated with punting on the outcome of an election that may be eight months away. Scott Morrison might stage a comeback, the swings against the Coalition may well be less than expected or nothing at all.
Full column here.
Alex Turnbull is very well informed wrt canavan dealings
Yes, further to the more naive comments on here about renewables, I’ve experienced a noticeable increase in the frequency of phone calls from the solar spivs since the new chap has taken over the helm of the government’s energy policy. Obviously they’re desperate to sign up gullible folk before the long awaited calm and common sense is once again restored and the carpet bagging climate shysters are relegated to becoming a mere historical footnote in the AGW wars.
Dismayed: 29 Aug 10.04pm
From the previous topic but still on politics, your apparent newfound infatuation of Pig Iron Bob’s musings and your sudden discovery of his references to perverted liberalism is a joke. You are apparently bemused (or confused) about the lengthy successful term of office of the so-called Liberals during the 50’s and 60’s. It had nothing to do with your apparent belief that it was all due to PIB’s push for left of centre “progressivism”. It had all to do with your mob’s ethnocultural split over communism, the rise of the DLP and their support for “conservatives”, and the coalition with the agrarian socialists. Nothing more, nothing less.
Donald v The World.
All jokes aside, The Donald might just be a raving looney.
Bollocks. Cheers
Kudelka’s Mary Poppins today is really funny.
I wonder who the pissed off leaker is?
Could be anyone Boa.
Anyone who didn’t get what they wanted last week that is. 🤐
Yes, we appear to be developing a discernible political pattern in Oz whereby our egotistical ex PMs scuttle off to the Big Apple while the fair dinkum ones remain at home to fight the good fight.
Goodness me, Mr Insider seeing Christopher Pyne on the ABC TV this morning defending Peter Duttons double Au Pair whammy. Hasn’t Pyne taken the time even to read the Editorials in a lot of Aussie Newspapers on this disgraceful mess.
Pyne sadly is all that is wrong with Politics imho when the indefensible is defended time and again.
The Aussie Voters are not fooled and will register their protest at the next Federal Election am sure.
EPL tips Jack
Will do.
Warren Entsch is right. Abbott needs to ride off onto the sunset.
Mark Latham – legend, maverick, genius. And smarter by a country mile than the likes of Rudd, Gillard and Shorten combined.
I’ll go along with that Milton.