Humble servant of the Nation

The real Trump derangement syndrome

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Trump derangement syndrome was said to be a disorder found among those who see consistent fault in the words and deeds of the 45th POTUS.

Certainly, there have been cases where the media has been unfair and unreasonable in its treatment of Trump. The street corner psychoanalysis of Trump as often found on the pages of The Washington Post and the New York Times has been especially tedious and lamentable.

But we have a better understanding of Trump derangement syndrome now and those who point a finger at Trump’s critics have got it the wrong way around.

It is said of Trump’s presidency that no matter how chaotic or scandal riddled it has been, the media can always turn to an interview with a small group sporting MAGA baseball caps in diners in the back blocks of Wisconsin or Ohio or Arizona or western Pennsylvania who say they love Donald Trump more than ever.

I suspect there’ll be fewer of them now but still plenty for the media to call upon at will. After Helsinki, the predictable ‘Trump can do no wrong’ response is especially revealing of the symptoms and signs of the dreaded real Trump derangement syndrome.

Full column here.


  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    49 years have just gone by, Mr. Insider since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon, arguably humankind’s greatest ever achievement. An article linked indicates what President Richard Nixon would say to the people of Earth had something gone wrong, fortunately, it was an outstanding success and there were, of course, another 5 successful Manned Landings. None since.

    • Bella says:

      Why have there been “none since” Henry? I just don’t get it.
      If Nasa knocked it out of the park the first time, you’d think they would work with that extraordinary 60’s technology to go again & again, instead of creating spacecraft that explode soon after take-off. 🚀
      Serious question mate, not trying to be a smartass.

      • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

        I have no idea Bella but good news POTUS Trump has primed NASA to start planning not only to go back to the Moon but to MARS. Cheers

        • Bella says:

          Then NASA should roll out the old Apollo capsule cos it’s never missed a beat or lost exterior tiles or exploded. What a machine. Did they keep it or file it in storage under O for “outstanding success”?

          • Trivalve says:

            Which one? There’s one hanging from the roof at the Johnson Space Center. More at the Smithsonian I think. Very charred – not reusable!

      • JackSprat says:

        They stopped because of cost and other than land and take off there was nothing else they could do Bella.

        By the time Apollo 13, the public had moved on ” Been there – done that – so what”

        With the current cheaper rockets, one might see some added developments but it will be slow.

        • Jean Baptiste says:

          “The public had moved on”. Get off the grass, they’ve done a billion low orbit circuits of Earth since then and then and the public hasn’t moved on from that.

          The reality is they cant get out of low Earth orbit, something they knew since about 1956 and theres no likelihood they ever will.

          What the hell is wrong with you people. How obvious do these scams by the military industrial complex have to be before the pennies drop?

          Like religion, it’s a special order of brainwashed mass insanity.

    • Jean Baptiste says:

      “…………… arguably humankinds greatest achievement.” Well almost, I still consider The Bible to be the greatest load of bullsh*t to be foisted on humankind, but it’s right up there. It wont be as enduring of course, the wide eyed simpletons are starting to wake up.

      What we need to do is to get to the kids early with Moon Landing Sunday School classes.

      • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

        Bless you, dear Mr. Baptiste, “Moon Landing Sunday School classes” you well howdy doody to that good idea. Its onward and upward with POTUS Trump who has primed NASA not only to do a return to the Moon, Mr. Baptiste, but to go to MARS. Exciting times await. Cheers

        • Jean Baptiste says:

          I think what you mean is Trumpkin Urban Bumpkin has slung the usual suspects a great wedge of cash to renovate their mansions. They have no intention to attempt to land men on the moon let alone Mars Henry, it’s just another scam to take the candy off the babies.
          Most of the R&D money that is actually spent on these programnes will go to developing biospheres, supposedly for the Moon or Mars, but really for survival right here on Mother Earth, when she is reduced to a ragged old hag with a hacking cough.
          Since, in spite of all your kind words for your masters you will not be included I strongly recommend you take advantage of our special offers here at “Baptistes Budget Biospheres” all constructed of rugged UV resistant materials, in a range of sizes from the King Single to our premiere model capable of sustaining five thousand individuals for a guaranteed 100 years. The latter are expensive, isn’t life precious?, but if you can get enough people to pool their resources they work out much better value.

          Best wishes Mr Moony.

  • Carl on the Coast says:

    Whilst the Trump/Clinton questions continue to flummox the mob, I think it is eminently more substantive to ponder the prospect which is exciting the minds of a number of scientists that ants may be able to significantly assist in reducing the impact of AGW by speeding up carbon absorption in rocks (aka ant-mineral interaction).

    Of course the obvious reaction to keep an eye on, is whether the folk at the IPCC begin stocking up on Mortein.

    • Perentie says:

      Ants are under a bigger threat from Bureaus of Meteorology , embarrassed by the fact that they continue to be more accurate predictors of rain.

      • Trivalve says:

        How very 60’s of you Perentie. Once was true but no longer.

        • Perentie says:

          Naaah. I’ll grant you that the BOM has improved, but ants have got them covered. And ants don’t resort to weaselly predictions such as “60% chance of rain”. Whoever came up with the idea for that style of forecasting was a genius. If it turns out that the day is as dry as a dead dingo’s donger, they’re not wrong. If it buckets down all day, they still aren’t.

  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    I wonder if poor old Grandma Hillary Clinton will have the cheek to have one last go at the 2020 US Elections, Mr. Insider. Probably not as she is a bit old in the tooth now. The Democrats are really “leaderless, useless, hopeless and rudderless” as they now stand just a wee 2 years away from facing the Non-Politician, Streetfighter POTUS Trump. Who on earth would want to take the mauling that the Democrat he faces will take? Who dont they like much? Perhaps they will wheel that person out. Yes, Hillary!

  • JackSprat says:

    Given Razor’s obsession with dolls, I thought that this might be appropriate.

    • Lou oTOD says:

      Yes JS, they have now manufactured a sex doll with enough ai that if it gets any rough treatment it shuts down and wont “perform”. Back to the cupboard I guess.

      • Jean Baptiste says:

        Or lie side by side in deep silence sulking and staring at the ceiling.

        • Boadicea says:

          They’re for an exciting affair JB. Dont have to marry them!

          • Jean Baptiste says:

            Don’t know. In the interests of realism here is a version that starts demanding some commitment after a couple of trysts. Extends ring finger and says “Put some bling on this or keep it in your pants sunshine.”

    • Razor says:

      They are a tad expensive but worth the freight and wait JS. I’ve got the John Howard in yellow speedos holding a rubber duck model and it works a treat!

  • Bella says:

    I have to say I think Eric Abetz is quite ‘unwell’.
    The poor old thing needs to quietly step away from politics lest he does his own head in. 🤤

    • Carl on the Coast says:

      Great to see you’re sticking up for the oldies Bella. 😉

    • Jean Baptiste says:

      “…….. lest he does his own head in.”
      Geez you’re a bit late with the advice Bella.

      • Carl on the Coast says:

        No doubt commenting from personal experience me old mate.

        • Jean Baptiste says:

          Of course. The experience of observing you go from somewhat batty to a raving loony in just a few short years makes me eminently qualified to comment on these matters.
          Cheers. Your old mate.

      • The Outsider says:

        It’ll be sad to see Abetz eventually retire/voted out, as his regular displays of moral outrage are hilarious in their cluelessness.

  • Yvonne Trevaskis says:

    I see the Patrick Melrose series is coming soon on BBC1. Bummer – I don’t have Foxtel. Hugo Weaving and Benedict Cumberbatch as leads. Perfect.
    I took the omnibus (all 4 novels) with me for holiday reading last time and loved it. Very well written – Author: Edward St Aubyn. Worth a read

  • Trivalve says:

    Trump – well, I said when he got in that there was nothing I could do about it and I was just going to sit back with a big bag of popcorn and watch the whole circus. I have no say in any of it. But now I realise that I’ve made a mistake there. I need a bigger bag. And a nice choc-top.

    I saw a comment once by an MIT perfesser that the chances of the universe not being a simulation, probably a computer game, were about a billion to one. I think that this might explain the cartoon world that we are descending into. Trump, Kim Jong Whatsit, Putin, Brexit, Boris, Dutton, the whole Turnbull government, commercial television; everywhere I look it’s the same. Every second Hollywood movie is a Marvel or DC effort. Facts are ignored or deplored left, right and centre.


    • Razor says:

      Dutton doing just fine TV. Do you want a heap of Kiwi criminals infesting our neighbourhoods?

      • Trivalve says:


      • Bella says:

        You sound like you’ve just morphed into Dutton with that statement mate. Wasn’t it you once that said “haters gonna hate” about lefties?
        My few neighbours happen to be three hardworking twenty something Kiwi brothers, all tradies, all polite & for the most part considerately quiet in our tiny dead-end street. I appreciate them being here & I love their maori tattoos.
        Perhaps some make assumptions about big kiwi men with tatts but they’re mostly incorrect generalisations.
        They’re like my own ‘neighbourhood watch’ kinda infestation mate. 😙

        • Razor says:

          Then they will have no problems staying in Australia Bella. Dutts will not bother them and in fact would wish them well.

          • Bella says:

            WOW that’d be something to witness Razor cos not too many actually believe that ‘Dutts’ has it in him to wish anyone well if they’re not caucasian?

    • Perentie says:

      And Collingwood are playing good football.

      There’s too many fake lizard people. We need a true Lizard Overlord. It’s time!

  • JackSprat says:

    Poor old Desali comes and goes Jack – no matter how many times I clear the cache.

    Quote from Pyne justifying increased population.
    “We have a continent the size of the US yet we have 25 million versus their over 200 million”
    This is the type of facile statement one has come to expect from Canberra.
    Just look at the bare facts and never elucidate. In this case, let’s not look at rainfall, arable land, river systems ( Like the Murray – Darling really compares admirably with the Mississippi – Missouri system – I think not), average top soil in US measured in meters whereas ours is measure in cms, deserts? The list goes on and on.

    The man is either an idiot or is treating the rest of us like idiots – I suspect the former and he thinks the rest of us is like his good self.

    • Trivalve says:

      If you look at the settlement of the US, the large barren areas in the west are populated similarly to our, larger arid areas. Wonder why? Meanwhile, we keep plonking houses on our comparatively scarce arable land. Forget gas fields, that’s what’s threatening the food bowl.

      Btw, US population over 325M JS.

      • JackSprat says:

        The 200 million is Pyne’s figures. I reasoned that the 200 million was put in so that people could use a rough factor of 10.

        You are right about arable land.

        By Pyne’s calculation, SA is 1000 (roughly) times larger than Hong Hong, Hong Kong has 7 million people – ergo SA should have a population of 70 million.

        Interestingly, it was the invention of the modern air-conditioner that triggered a large rise in central USA’s population.

    • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

      I believe, JackSprat, that Mr. Insider said this weekend he is doing a “rejig” or fix of his Blog System. Cheers

  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    Big Bad Boris Johnson, Mr. Insider, a move to grab the levers of power soon perhaps? No one more dangerous than an ex-Senior Minister with Leadership ambitions who has resigned.

  • smoke says:

    And Keynes said???…

    Fucking GDP shoot me

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