Humble servant of the Nation

The global pandemic of clerical child sex abuse

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A Pennsylvania grand jury has released its findings accusing 300 Catholic priests of sexually assaulting more than a thousand children over 70 years.

The report was released yesterday and follows a two-year investigation.

Thee 884-page redacted grand jury report was scheduled to be published two months ago, but the Pennsylvania Supreme Court stalled its release when more than a dozen priests took legal action, claiming the allegations would damage their reputations and deny their right to due process.

The report contained evidence from victims as well as forensic examination of files held by the Church in six dioceses around Pennsylvania. The archived material was reluctantly handed over by the dioceses under subpoena.

Among the long litany of abuse, the grand jury report contained shocking evidence of four priests from Pittsburgh who allegedly preyed upon a group of young boys in a pedophile and child pornography ring.

The priests used whips, violence and sadism while repeatedly raping their victims in a rectory.

The Pennsylvania grand jury described the behaviour of the dioceses as “a playbook for concealing the truth.” It is an experience that mirrors our own in Australia.

Full column here.


  • Boadicea says:

    I’m thinking of trying for the senate. The salary package is tempting (great travel perks) and I’m sure I can get 19 votes out of the regulars at the local coffee shop 😄

  • Milton says:

    The bug in this blog is showing all the persistence of a Rudd or an Abbott.
    Your new one is a beauty and comment worthy but i’ll keep my powder dry until it arrives in the old town.

  • Bella says:

    JTI my posts have disappeared in this one.
    It won’t update from 16 comments for me.
    Am I spam again?

    • Jack The Insider says:

      No you’re coming through as comment 62 on this column. I don’t know what’s going on but there’s a new column up now which you should comment through. Ditto for everyone. Is it possible to use a different growser or another device with a different browser. If it’s too much trouble don’t worry. Just trying to get some info through to the tech.

      • Bella says:

        Hey JTI thanks for your reply. I decided to try my laptop & not my tablet which is what I always use & it immediately went from 16 to 55 comments on this your previous subject.
        I haven’t been able to update on my tablet for a while without leaving a comment first SO I wonder if some of the others are using Ipads & that’s been the problem?
        Jeez JTI, I must be addicted cos I’ve given myself a case of the shakes over this. haha

        • Jack The Insider says:

          I often use the iPad but don’t see the problems you see. That’s mainly because I’m logged into admin but clearly WordPress has some problems with programming across multiple devices.

  • Not Finished Yet says:

    You have to wonder what level of genuine contrition is within the Catholic Church even now, and the other institutions too of course. Everything from the appalling moral relativism of George Pell’s comment that abortion was worse than the sexual abuse of children by paedophile priests to the continuing insistence in some quarters that Wilson is still one of the good guys (and he is still a bishop) suggests not.

    When you look at the evidence of the place of women, the abuse of children and the ability of the church to protect its own, I can only conclude that it has been, and to at least some extent still is, both an old boys club and a young boys club in the worst possible meaning of those terms.

  • Mack the Knife says:

    Wow, vale Aretha Franklin, one of the best, and seemed to do it effortlessly.

    Hey this Desali thing is contagious. What the heck!

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