Humble servant of the Nation

The real Trump derangement syndrome

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Trump derangement syndrome was said to be a disorder found among those who see consistent fault in the words and deeds of the 45th POTUS.

Certainly, there have been cases where the media has been unfair and unreasonable in its treatment of Trump. The street corner psychoanalysis of Trump as often found on the pages of The Washington Post and the New York Times has been especially tedious and lamentable.

But we have a better understanding of Trump derangement syndrome now and those who point a finger at Trump’s critics have got it the wrong way around.

It is said of Trump’s presidency that no matter how chaotic or scandal riddled it has been, the media can always turn to an interview with a small group sporting MAGA baseball caps in diners in the back blocks of Wisconsin or Ohio or Arizona or western Pennsylvania who say they love Donald Trump more than ever.

I suspect there’ll be fewer of them now but still plenty for the media to call upon at will. After Helsinki, the predictable ‘Trump can do no wrong’ response is especially revealing of the symptoms and signs of the dreaded real Trump derangement syndrome.

Full column here.


  • Milton says:

    “When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.”
    — Jonathan Swift

  • Gryzly says:

    Everyone should put their AFL tips in tomorrow. Or should be shouldn’t? Everybody knows and who knew?

  • Boadicea says:

    Team SKY are getting on my nerves – they’ve shut down the race – again. It’s getting boring.
    But setting that aside, wonderful scenery in the mountains last couple of days, hey?
    The more I think about Richie, I think that his move to BMC may have been over ambitious – and not a good career move. I don’t think he has what it takes to be a team leader – he seems to get nervy when out of his comfort zone. I think he was better as a top domestique, and he was probably earning heaps getting Froome up the mountains.
    It’s a bit sad, as I think that if the deal with Trek-Segafredo has not been finalised they may pull out. BMC will most likely not pick him for the Vuelta even if he has recovered. The team manager was very rude and unprofessional in his comments after the crash. Quote, ”His bags will be left for him at Annecy”. They are probably not on speaking terms anymore.

    • Tracy says:

      They don’t shut down the race, as Lance Armstrong has pointed out ( never thought I’d agree with him) they show no mercy on the climbs and force the other teams to pick up speed to keep up, always minimum of four at the front and they push as a team.
      The other teams are free to take it up to them whenever they like, if Sunweb want to see Dumoulin in with a chance they need to get their backsides to the front of the peloton as SKY do
      BMC hired Porte to do a job and he hasn’t but then again never had the impression that he was really getting the support from them anyway, team pecking orders are a peculiar thing why hire someone you aren’t prepared to support?
      Trek are a US team as well and they really only have one rider of note in Mollema, doubt they would be influenced by anything BMC in its current form had to say and even though BMC have a new sponsor think they have yet to find a new bike sponsor

      • Boadicea says:

        The SKY team have loads and loads of money – far more than the other teams. Which makes it hard for the other teams to compete on a level playing field with SKY – who probably have at least 4 potential team leaders in their 8.
        There is no salary cap in the TDF – an interesting discussion between race commentators suggested that may be a good way of levelling out the teams a bit. Ha, I’d like to see that put into effect – no more chance than a snowball in hell.
        Talking about ridiculous money – $115million for a goalkeeper for Liverpool. Obscene.

        • Tracy says:

          Not if you’re a Liverpool fan it’s not, one thing that has been lacking a decent goal keeper, cost them the Champions League final.
          Plenty of classification teams have the money, UAE, Bahrain Merida, Movistar to name a few difference with SKY is they have depth and don’t just hire somebody thinking it will bring them race title.
          Can’t remember the amount you have to have in the kitty to be able to qualify for races like the TdF, Giro etc it’s quite horrendous and it’s free to spectators no revenue.

          • Jean Baptiste says:

            Yeah, free to air television is supposedly free too. The advertising and product placement exposure is massive, have a look at any footage. (and listen) Even slowest bloke with “Pierre’s Cut Rate Bikes” stencilled on his bum is earning something for the tour.

    • jack says:

      the scenery is the best bit, the rest, not so much

    • Bella says:

      “It’s getting boring.”
      I was bored with the soccer & now this!!
      Each to their own of course mate, but I’m facing a real danger of going into a trance! 🥅🚴‍♀️
      Bring on the NRL. 🏈

      • Trivalve says:

        The trance in France! Given the time of night that it’s on Bella, what’s the problem?

      • Tracy says:

        Barely watched an NRL match in the last couple of years Bella, got so sick of the in fighting at Manly just couldn’t be bothered anymore.
        Keep getting emails from the ARU to buy tickets for the Bledisloe, no thankyou.
        Last one I went to a complete waste of money, or was that being surrounded by NZ’rs with pity in their eyes.

      • Razor says:

        Couldn’t agree more Bella. I’ll be in Townsville next Friday night to watch the Newcastle game and then the Townsville Cup the next day.

        I just hope they don’t send JT out with the wooden spoon.

        • Bella says:

          The way I look at it Razor is that my Cowboys are out of the finals (sob) so I’m just going to enjoy JT’s final year of footie. The guy is a rare rugby league champion in every sense both on and off the field & we’ve seen him play for years at his brilliant best so how lucky is that for North Queensland?
          I absolutely agree with you about their place on the ladder at the moment.
          C’mon Cowboys!💙💛

  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    A very interesting book I have recently read, Mr. Insider is “JFK And the Unspeakable” by James W Douglass and it covers the time leading up to and the Assassination of JFK in 1963. We read that JFK’s relationship with his CIA and Security people was poisoned beyond repair. In fact, it is suggested he may have been assassinated with their cooperation? He had “back channels” of conversation opened so he could talk to Castro and Krueschev and was making good progress. He is quoted as saying that as soon as he came back from Texas he was withdrawing all US Military Personel from Vietnam, something the CIA did not want to happen. A great read and can recommend and it shows the battles a US President has on so many fronts.

    • Jack The Insider says:

      There are a great many theories but what we do know is Lee Harvey Oswald fired shots at the motorcade from the Texas Book Depository and was almost certainly the lone assassin. Oswald spent almost three years in the Soviet Union where he claimed to be a communist but he found Soviet life not to his liking. He returned to the US in 1961 where strangely he fell in with anti-communist activists in Dallas-Fort Worth. He was an odd piece of work and certainly crazy enough to pull off ‘the crime of the century’. I’ve looked at the involvement of CIA and Mafia families in Miami, New Orleans and Chicago but it just doesn’t fit with what we know about the assassination.

  • Milton says:

    Still getting desali and email address in those spots. will delete history and cache again. the strange, or interesting thing, is I was in Mackay last week and stayed at a motel and that name and address came up but my lack of savvy about matters internet had me thinking it was the details of the person from the next room. naturally I relieved them of the anxiety and burden of their life savings!

  • Jean Baptiste says:

    Amazing what a little fireside chat between the people who actually run the nation and the elected President will do just to put the latter back on the right track.
    “Us good! Them bad! Can you remember that Donald? You better remember that Donald.”

    • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

      Bravo to POTUS Trump for sitting down with Putin, Mr. Baptiste, and a big raspberry to all the Left Wing nutjobs for putting that down. You can never trust a Leftie old buddy. Cheers

    • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

      Further update, Mr. Baptiste as we read and learn that Donald will be inviting his good friend Vlad to visit the USA soon an invitation that will be heartily accepted am sure. Cheers. P.S. hows Cuba going fellow still a Communist Country?

      • Jean Baptiste says:

        I had a call from “Trumps good buddy” Vladimir the other night Henry. I asked him how difficult it was dealing with the POTUS.
        “My goodnessess JB, I am have to suck a lemon the whole time to stop from laughing like a drunken Volga boatmen. What an idiot! I am thinking whole time, boy you going to have your buttocks handed to you on a plate when you getting home to USA. Very hard to think straight, I nearly soiling my silk underpants trying not to haw haw.

        You remember Boris Vaselino JB? Good man but he die from laughing in committee room and Natasha Ermelenko? Very serious condition in hospital.

        You think maybe Trump is dirty secret weapon from USA black ops people? Potential kill a lot people from laughing that man. Maybe worse than deadly nerve agent.
        Wise old Russian saying “When fat pussycat think is lion then trouble coming one way or other.”

        Cheers Henry. In Trump We Trust.

        • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

          Bless you, dear Mr. Baptiste, you are young and innocent. Now, how many USA Flags can I put you down to wave when we get to see POTUS Trumps Motorcade in Australia in November? Cheers

        • Mack the Knife says:

          I don’t know JB, that sounds way too long winded for Dyadya Vlad. When I asked him what he thought of the Don he just hissed, ‘pederaas, sooka, blad!’ Whatever that means.

          Had to laugh the other day, my wife showed me a vid of a rather silly journalist overreaching with Vlad. He told the guy, “Hey, look my eyes, I am ex-KGB chief, I am not your friend”.
          The journo excused himself discreetly but rather quickly, most likely to check his underwear was still wearable.

          • Jean Baptiste says:

            And Vlad just texted me, “Mack the Knife? you make joke. I not know this man.”
            You made that up Mack! He’s a different guy in private. Cant shut him up.

            • Mack the Knife says:

              Dyadya just sent me a text telling me he got you mixed up with one of his buddy Sarkozy’s friends, you cunning diavel you. Keep up the intercourse with him, we might end up in the updated panama papers yet.

              Ok, who’s simon says, he was in my contact details. I ain’t doing anything simon says

      • Razor says:

        I wonder if Vlad gets a crack at Melania as part of the White House visit? After the way this week planned out it wouldn’t surprise me.

  • Carl on the Coast says:

    Of course, the reference to a “derangement” syndrome as it applies to political leaders is a fairly recent tag, especially in the US. Believed to have been first coined by Charles Krauthhammer during the Bush (jnr) period. Unsurprisingly, during Bush’s presidency many BDS sufferers were also outrageously vacuous in their splutterings just as they are against Trump today. A prime example, was that Bush was accused as being “the greatest single threat to democracy and freedom in the US”. Now haven’t we heard that recently (take note BASSY). Bush was also accused of having caused hurricane Katrina and was behind the 9-11 catastrophe. Fair dinkum …., these DS screamers just dust off the old screech sheet and away they go, spittle and fur in all directions.

    Re phobias, fears and syndromes, I discern from a few comments in the closing of the previous topic a few folks on here indicate they may appear to be mildly afflicted with a form of gerontophobia/ageism.

    Footnote: CK passed away in June this year, and GWB has degrees from Harvard and Yale and is a trained fighter pilot.

    • Bella says:

      Carl, you may be referring to me, so I’ll briefly explain.

      Age obviously brings wisdom in so many areas of life, but not in a political office where most of the vintage war-horses are ONLY focused on fighting, factions, sad old point-scoring & what their donors demand from them which is usually not in the interests of our future generations.

      Give us the voices & passion of younger women & men who, after all, will be the ones to inherit this planet after the older generation have conserved nothing because they won’t have to fix the mess.

      Please don’t assume my opinion of our elderly in politics matches my personal experiences with the aged seeking assistance at work nor the wonderful people at my Mum’s ‘village’ who I often have lengthy chats & laughs with because loneliness for the aged can be invisible mate.
      Regards, Bella

      • Carl on the Coast says:

        Rest easy Bella, it wasn’t you that I was hinting at. Seriously, I would never regard any of your comments to ever be taken as a disparagement of those golden age folk who are simply seeking to smell the roses just as much as their physical, emotional and cognitive limitations would allow.

        It wasn’t you who referred to them as ‘plagues of cranky old gas bags dawdling along in a dreamworld irritating the s**t out of each other’.

        I’m mildly mortified that you would consider placing me in the frame, but I’ll console myself with the fact that perhaps you may have missed the import of a few earlier posts by others due to blog hiccups.
        Yours in caring and best regards

        • Jean Baptiste says:

          While true in and of itself, rendering reasonably accurately the essentials you shouldn’t put your interpretation of a statement inside quotation marks.

          The cognitive limitations of those old pests don’t in any manner limit their insatiable seeking the rosy smell of booze nor their delight in meeting new people and struggling with cunning subterfuges for control of the talking stick so as to annoy the daylights out of each other boasting of their unextrordinary achievements , their second fourth and tenth investment properties, their overindulged idiot grandchildren and the size of the en-suite in their absurdly cumbersome wheeled home from home. Not even mentioning their vendetta driven guerilla tactics to take years off the lives of truck drivers just trying to make a living.

          They are the most bothersome tribe on the planet Earth, responsible for encouraging the most reprehensible criminals against humanity, the bush poet.

          Their one redeeming quality is that they will readily share in minute detail the order of their travel plans enabling one to ensure that with a modicum of luck and escaping furtively before sun up one will never see them again. Even if it means in extreme cases one is obliged to avoid certain large population centres for the rest of ones life lest another dose send one over the edge into a permanent catatonic state.

          Cheerio and toodleoo me old mate, stay in touch.

        • Bella says:

          It’s all good Carl I don’t offend easily & I only wanted to make my position clear.
          “The best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.” Andy Rooney
          Unless they’re a lying greedy bought politician.

    • BASSMAN says:

      Let’s make America Great Again…..Hitler said

      Let’s Make Germany Great….get it?

    • Trivalve says:

      Well, you didn’t answer my question Carl. Senior moment?

      • Carl on the Coast says:

        My apologies TV, I assumed you were being rhetorical. After all, it did appear to be one of those ‘how long is a piece of string?’ question, eh.

    • Jean Baptiste says:

      So, degrees from Harvard and Yale will prevent the ravages of alcoholism? Is that what you are saying? Because George Bush was as blithering as a cut snake. When was GBW accused of causing Hurricane Katrina?
      I think Georgie was as surprised as the average prole over 911, Georgie was well out of the loop, a useful idiot, like Trump.

      • Carl on the Coast says:

        “… blithering as a cut snake.” ??

        Don’t be a galah JB, slinging Aussie colloquialisms at our American friends. They’ll think you’re mad as a meat axe me old mate.

        • Jean Baptiste says:

          Yes whatever, but answer the questions and don’t come the slippery eel with me while bunging on your old smooth as a gravy sandwich fancy pants diplomatic routine.

          Still for the Tin Tanks struggling with the vernacular *George W Bush was a booze soaked jackass.”

  • jack says:

    who knows with end of empire predictions, but right now I think the US is travelling better than it was three years ago, and China, not so well.

    Russia, World Cup and a press conference aside, not doing too well, and the EU looks much more like a power on the way out than anyone.

  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    Stand down in decency’s name Big Trevor Ruthenberg, the LNP candidate for Longman this weekend Mr. Insider, as the Courier Mail has found another website where Trev said he had received the more distinguished Australian Service Medal rather than the lesser Australian Defence Medal, handed to all service men and women who serve four years. Trev was not sent OS and did not get the ASM. Also, we read he has had the wrong Medal listed on his Bio now for some years. Goodbye Trev now you can take that trip OS, big boy! We Aussies are proud of our Servicemen and Women. I myself have never served a day in the Armed Forces despite a National Service Callup in 1972 that Whitlam canceled.

    • Jack The Insider says:

      I know the story. Perhaps he was gilding the lily somewhat. I note he referred to himself as an engineer but the truth is he was a humble fitter and turner. Nothing wrong with that of course but it would seem he has done a bit of a Hyacinth Bucket on his resume. Whether it costs him the election or not, I cannot say but it is too late to drop him and put someone else up now.

      • Bella says:

        “done a bit of Hyacinth Bucket on his resume”….. what a laugh that line’s given me today thanks JTI! 😂
        The truth & nothing but the truth about references in the banking sector was literally referred to as ‘enhancement’ but that’s just about securing loans/money.
        It’s some stretch to think you’d fudge a defense service medal & get that by in politics today.

    • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

      P,S, Correction the Longman By-Election and the others are not this weekend as I said but next weekend 28th July.

  • Huger Unson says:

    I do not wish to not comment on this one.

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