Humble servant of the Nation

A one way ticket to the boneyard

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It’s official. The Liberal Party is a shambles, a great hulking wreck smashed on the rocks of factionalism and personality conflicts so vicious and ugly they can only be resolved by pistols at dawn at twenty paces.

Turnbull et al are applying thick coats of paste and unrolling the flock wallpaper madly trying to cover over the yawning chasms that now appear in the Liberal Party’s broad church. One false move and the whole edifice will come crashing down.

Rather than dwell on the controversies du jour, be they same sex marriage, the Finkel Report or whatever ghastly turn of events arises to once again divide the Liberal Party on ideological grounds, it would serve our understanding better to go back to the genesis of this conflict and bask in the idiocy of its creators, the political geniuses who rolled a first term prime minister but failed to contemplate what was to be done with him once he had been vanquished.

Full column here.


  • Trivalve says:

    I will always have a corner where I have a soft spot for Rudd, because he got rid of Howard (who is now on his way to sainthood in some quarters)

    And I will always have a soft spot for Malcolm because he took out Abbott. Dumb perhaps but soooooo necessary.

    • jack says:

      TV, i laughed when i read that, as i have the exact opposite view.

      Rudd and Turnbull i see as quite alike, except Turnbull is much smarter and has made his own money. But they are both a quivering mass of ambition who had little regard for their parties or principles but simply thought that because they were so smart they deserved the job.

      Both had long records of white-anting people in their way before they got the opportunity, both have left a long trail of destroyed friendships in their wake, always prepared to pall up with anyone when it looks like it might help, but equally prepared to dump them immediately they are of less use.

      and when they got the job, both like the dog who caught the car, didn’t have a clue what to do next.

      • Trivalve says:

        All true, but the points I made above still stand. I’m not talk man-love, just little corners of the soul.

        Milton, not a bit.

    • Milton says:

      Your getting soft, Trivalve!

    • BASSMAN says:

      Beazley would have got rid of Howard that time…a drover’s dog etc….

      • Razor says:

        Because of work choices you are right Bassy but not by the margin Rudd did.

      • jack says:

        Howard was on track for another likely win until the ALP replaced Beazley and Macklin with Rudd and Gillard.

        There was an immediate shift in the polls and nothing Howard did shifted it back.

        • Jack The Insider says:

          The really interesting thing from that time was Rudd – a virtual unknown in late 2006 immediately led as preferred PM and was never headed by Howard from that time on. That tells me all Labor had to do was put up a vaguely credible, non threatening, fresh face candidate.

          • jack says:

            exactly my point, I don’t think Beazley was ever going to win, the electorate had already had a good look at him and decided no.

          • jack says:

            but they had tired of Howard so, as you say, a vaguely credible non-threatening fresh face was all it took.

            • Jack The Insider says:

              The turn around in the polls (Labor was a couple of points ahead when Big Kim was disposed of but miles behind as preferred PM) was remarkable. Rudd went straight ahead of Howard and Labor hit a double digit lead and never lost it. It does make me think what might have happened in 2004. I have always thought that was Labor’s election to lose and lose it did in no small way with the Coalition having a majority in the Upper House.

          • Lou oTOD says:

            Jack, Rudd came on the scene as a cleanskin, an unknown quantity who was able to promise the world and people bought it before and for some months after he was elected. Howard carried the inevitable baggage of a third term government.

            Those who knew the real Kevin stayed shtumm while all this played out, and only admitted his well known to the inner circle psychopathic faults after it all became obvious to the general public. He was a goner when everyone woke up to him.

        • BASSMAN says:

          …and what a useless idiotic maniac and prat Rudd was.

  • Henry Blofeld says:

    Wrecking Ball Politics, Mr Insider, we have had this now for way too long. At least we can have a smile though as we see Malcolm in this clip in “panties”. Turnbull right now letting us see his “Fake Smile” as he shudders from the attack from Abbott. Strewth

  • Jean Baptiste says:

    Seriously. The genesis, the very nub of the current woes is the stupidity of making The Mad Monk the leader in the first place. The squibs wanted someone to do the dirty work, and hope for the best after that. Theres a well deserved comeuppance in that strategy.
    Seriously. If the Libs had not replaced Abbott they would be in a far worse position now. They would be in opposition and still have the problem of that lycrated looney. Motto, “lets make shit happen.” For God’s sake , a Knighthood for Prince Phillip, and his absurd foreign policy posturing!
    Seriously. The Libs have to address the “problem with Tony” do some serious digging for the wood on him, and accept the fact the right wing nut cases have to go, with Cory and Pauline.
    It will be a very short time before the Libs and the Labor party are forced to work together anyway. The establishment will never see it but we are fast running out of time.

    The one hope for Abbotts star is the voters will be stupid and sucker enough to call down on themselves a fascist dictatorship of enforcers to see us off the planet.

    • smoke says:

      and the warringah electorate continually vote for him….wow

      • Tracy says:

        Put up a good Independent and I think it would be a different story, it’s not an electorate that would naturally vote Labor or Green.
        Lots of self-employed, IT people etc

      • Jean Baptiste says:

        Not all of them smoke, only the bums, and that’s most of them.

    • Henry Blofeld says:

      Shock, Mr Baptiste, I agree will virtually all you have written. Cheers

      • Jean Baptiste says:

        Cheers Henry. But I fear we will diverge on my opinion that he is the best and most deserved thing ever to happen to the Liberal Party.

        Whop it up ’em.

    • BASSMAN says:

      People soon to forget at the party aftermath, where Tony Nutt (Campaign Leader) gave an election post mortem told those members that survived all the feedback and private polling done by the party showed very clearly if Abbott had taken them to the 2016 election it would have been a bloodbath. And for the like of me I dunno why Bolt, Jones and a heap of right wing hacks are trying to get Abbott back in the saddle. He stuffed it….and he stuffs it more everyday by applying a thousand cuts to the party guaranteeing a win to Shorten who does not deserve it.
      As hopeless as Malcolm appears not ONCE has BS won preferred PM over Mal. Also his job satisfaction polling is poor. Because of this I still feel with a good campaign, a terrorist attack somewhere, the Looters paying a refugee boat to arrive (or letting one through) the grannies can be scared enough into voting them back in. If Dutts is the leader he will be as good or if not better than Abbott at The Big Scare.

  • Tracy says:
    Sort of hits the nail on the head, I noticed that Tones said he was concentrating on serving his electorate the best he can which is a slight problem when he’s never here. Our new chap Falinski seems to have hit the ground running, amazing what can happen with a bit of change, Bronny isn’t missed.

  • Milton says:

    JB – in the same vein it is proof positive that history can repeat itself; and within a quicker time frame. Memory and connections have gone the way of the dodo – hence your observations to the contrary…

    • Jean Baptiste says:

      Huh! You talking to me, or ya chewin’ a brick?
      History does not repeat itself but people do similar things to what people did in the past. But that’s perfectly reasonable, doing the same thing and expecting a different result is only proof positive of the eccentricity of jumped up monkeys.
      Give ’em heaps.

    • LouoTOD says:

      Ah Milton, has no one pointed out to you that if history repeats itself, it is no longer history!

  • Jean Baptiste says:

    Ah geez, I’m overcome with sadness. It’s just so heartrending and tragic and everything.
    And Tony, well he’s just misunderstood.
    If the rumours circulating are correct that he intends to lead a putsch or holy crusade to take over the government this could all become very exciting. He has the vision and the determination and lets face it this secular state business just isn’t working out.
    His Holiness The Prime Minister, on a popecycle. How wonderful would that be!

  • Boadicea says:

    I reckon Abbott’s hide is thicker than Rudd’s. Who would have thought!

  • Henry Blofeld says:

    And ex ousted PM Tony Abbott did exactly the opposite of what he said he would do In this short clip linked, Mr Insider. Could he truly believe that any hard working Australian would ever trust him again in the highest office of PM? Methinks not, he is delusional.

  • JackSpat says:

    Let’s see what the Progressive’s Policies are.
    Same sex marriage – does nothing for the economy, alienates 25% of the population and bugger all else.
    Open borders – detrimental to the economy as 90% will still be on welfare in 5 years’ time. Once again highly divisive but makes them feel real good as they think we can make an impression on the numbers of the 50 million displaced people around the world
    Climate Change – screws the economy, does nothing to the world’s Green House gases because we import the same goods from a third word country where emissions do not count, highly divisive as electricity prices go sky high and not one, repeat not one, policy to ameliorate the effects on the general population other than huge subsidies from a budget that is already in dire straits. As to industry and employment it can go suck eggs.
    Then there is their pie in the sky world government, multi-cultural societies which is showing fractures all over the place and probably many more that are totally out of touch with the mainstream.

    Turnbull is a Progressive.
    Shorten would sell his mother if their was a vote in it so goodness knows what he is.

    Two of the real leaders in Canberra are Albo and Barnaby – both of whom resonate with the general population.

    As Keating said “It is all about the economy stupid”. You cannot grind an economy into the ground without having alternative policies and the “Progressives” have none.

    • Dismayed says:

      JS just about the most delusional rant you have made and that is after numerous delusional rants. Conservative estimates show allowing everyone the same rights would add over $2 billion to the Wedding industry a year
      If 25% of the population have a problem with everyone being treated equally they should seek help for Their issues.. That would add further to the economy with all you bigots paying for counselling and hopefully becoming human beings.
      You ongoing conspiracy theory that the worlds science, meteorological and business groups are involved in this conspiracy is pathetic. The Co2 levels prior to the Industrial revolution rose at 35ppm per 1000 years since the industrial revolution the rise has been 35ppm every 17 years. this HAS caused faster warming weather extremes and ocean warming. WE do have a responsibility to pass a liveable planet onto future generations.
      And to finish it off you show you are a xenophobic racist. You really are the worst of the old white Australia policy in action . NO side of politics has an “open” borders policy to claim such is and outright fabrication, a lie if you will.
      Barnaby a “leader” oh my HAHAHAHA you cannot be serious. You have just taken over from the absent Ratman Rodent , where is he? very sad.
      The true con. If you cant have it your way you will make sure you wreck it for everybody.

      • JackSprat says:

        Good old leftist propaganda and techniques which all have come to expect from you and propaganda central.
        I did not dispute climate change – what I am saying is the that the Greens and all the extreme leftist twits like yourself have no plan other than close down all coal fired power stations and wreck the economy while overseas competitors keep adding coal and increasing coal consumption. We have two responsibilities – do something about green house gases AND keep the economy robust so that it can meet the very large future challenges. People like yourself concentrate only on the former.
        There are more homeless people in this country than gays – they never get a mention – not trendy enough.
        As to your crack about “white Australia” – as usual you just name call hoping the mud will stick – once again a typical and well used leftist technique that originated way back and people are aware of it.
        $2 billion to the wedding industry a year – what a load of cods. At $50k to the wedding, that is 200 to the million, That’s 40,000 weddings a year or 80,000 people a year for 2000 million dollars.
        Another example of your flaky statistics from Propaganda Central.
        Reading your stuff, I understand why Weatherill stays in power.

        • Jack The Insider says:

          Don’t think your numbers are right. Difficult to quantify but LGBT people make up somewhere between 5 and 10 per cent of the population. Now if you’re talking about people who have had same sex encounters the figure is somewhere between 25 and 30 per cent.

        • Dismayed says:

          No political party in Australia is calling for the immediate closure of coal fired generations. But to phase it out as natural attrition because there are better technologies available that are cheaper NOW. You really should stop listening to mad Barnaby and his mate Malcolm Roberts. You again try to use false misleading information. Lies if you will.
          It is clear you have not funded a wedding this century. You do realise the cost does not start and stop at the reception centre. As I said that $2 billion is a conservative estimate by Economists not just me picking a figure out of the blue like you do. Name calling?? oh my HAHAHA. Leftist, Greenie, Marxist, Latte sipper all terms you use continually. I am not sure where your “propaganda central” is but I assume you would say that is where all these Gay, left wing, Marxist, Muslim, Greenie, hipster latte sipping and making barista’s hang out? Oh my. HAHAHAHA. You got nothing noting nothing. There is that echo again?

      • JackSprat says:

        On open borders – SHY, many of the Greens and the Labor left believe in open borders.
        As well as that, the effective techniques like turning the boats back are anathema to them.
        There has been a surge in activity since Manus has been closed down – the smugglers are saying that this indicates a weakening of Australian policy. They are using smaller boats in the hope of avoiding detection.
        Just wait until Labor gets gets in – it will be open slather all over again because they will not use the effective techniques introduced by Abbott – something the left has never forgiven him for.
        Try getting out of your bubble and see the world for what it is and, on border protection, be very afraid when Shorten gets the reins.

        • Dismayed says:

          HAHAHAHA. More delusions. Only exceeded by your fears. Very sad. Oh I think you will find Greens want a doubling of refugees numbers or something close to 30K. The coalition halved refugee numbers when elected even though they supported the increase under Labor. I believe Labor policy is taking it back to the previously agreed 24K. Talk about getting out, it is the right wing prepper fruit cake echo chambers you need to get out of. Withot the fear and smear campaign you cons got nothing. Nothing. Nothing. You are used to the echo aren’t you.

  • Rhys Needham says:

    The latest public stoush in the Tories over Gay Marriage seems to be one of those very rare occasions in which I start feeling vague pangs of sympathy for the Leader of the House and Minister for Defence Pork-barrelling, I mean Industry, Alfred E. Neuman, sorry Christopher Pyne.

    The sooner Tony Abbott buggers off quick-smart from politics and finds a more suitable role in public life, the better for all of us, I’d say as well.

    I was reading a biography of Doc Evatt earlier this week and the Splits in the ALP he was involved in, particularly 1954-7 are looking a little redolent of the start of this one.
    Not-so-Slick Billy Shorten and his lot might be laughing all the way to the Government Benches the way things are going.

    As for the stoush in the Greens vis-à-vis Lee Rhiannon and Ejamakayshun policy, the first one to work in Fleetwood Mac’s Rhiannon into the story wins, er, nothing but virtual kudos.

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