The week in Australian federal politics was headlined by the triumphant return of ‘Bad’ Malcolm Turnbull.
Australians had become accustomed to the pinkie-extended punctilios of Pleasant Malcolm and it has become clear they don’t much care for them.
So with nothing left to lose, Bad Malcolm got a run and delivered a withering character assessment of the Opposition leader. It was a terrific spray, no doubt, so full of harsh burns Bill Shorten may well still be plastering himself in aloe vera.
Bad Malcolm left his best line to last: “This sycophant, blowing hard in the House of Representatives, sucking hard in the living rooms of Melbourne — what a hypocrite.”
Understandably, lovers of the pugilistic arts weren’t about to get too excited. Should the People’s House ever become the House of Stoush with ‘Truffles’ Turnbull and ‘Wee Billy’ Shorten coming to blows, it would make last week’s Danny Green-Anthony Mundine fight look like the Thriller in Manilla.
Full column here.
Barnaby claiming he is responsible for “record” prices for farm produce??? Barnarby is delusional.
The hypocrisy of the lying looting Liberals has no bounds. When they signed up for Gonski and the National Disability Insurance Scheme there were no qualms about funding. They were all smiles about celebrating a bipartisan policy with Labor-anything to steal government. They even bragged about being at one with Labor on these policies. Arm in arm. Cheek to cheek as Tony Bennett would sing! I can still hear Poodle Pyne’s words echoing excitedly about the bipartisanship. Once they are in government though the Looters cut the Gonski funding and then try to take money from the poorest families to pay for the NDIS. Isn’t it strange that the Liberal’s key policies of $50billion in tax for big business, $35billion for F-35 planes that do not fly and $50billion submarines do not cop the same forensic scrutiny as the NDIS in terms of funding. All of the Liberal’s policies on tax cuts to big business, submarines and planes are unfunded. When will Malcolm tell us where the billions are coming from for all of these war toys?
There are NO EXCUSES…here is why:-
Hockey….The National Press Club, 2012… “The condition of the budget will not be an excuse for breaking promises” AND “We will achieve a surplus in our first year in office and we will achieve a surplus for every year of our first term”. LIE
Abbott:-DOORSTOP,13th August 2013 “The condition of the budget will not be an excuse for breaking promises”. LIE
Abbott:- 30th August 2013, 774 ABC Melbourne. “If we do win the election and we immediately and say “Oh we got it all wrong, we’ve now got to do all these different things, we will instantly be just as bad as the current government has been and I just refuse to be like that”. LIE
They were blackmailed on the NBN Bassy. Can you imagine the Labor attack adds if it didn’t have bipartisan support. It wasn’t funded and was poorly designed its as simple as that. They were handed a shit sandwich with no option but to chew.
Treasury accepted the NDIS was fully funded. Penny Wong is a Senate estimates ask the treasury representative specifically if ABC D etc would fully fund. Treasury answers Yes on each occasion. Crikey link of the Estimates hearing requires subscription.
Wonderful to see the World Political Heads arriving in Washington one by one to meet with POTUS Trump, Mr Insider. The latest is Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu and the chemistry between him and Trump very good. Of course we haven’t see his good friend from Russia old “Poots” roll up yet, that will be a special “Bromance” moment for sure. 1st Lady Melania looking ravishing as she too meets the World leaders. If only our own PM Milton Trumble could be as effective as POTUS Trump, but alas!
POTUS drains the swamp so the bar can be set even lower!
11:06pm JB,..
I will be gentle with you knowing your abnormal condition visiting your doctor with struggling conditions needing professional help in understanding the world as it is .
However , I advised you Dr Charlie Teo long ago was your best option JB! His brain-surgery record is A1.
Lets hope all goes well and your condition improves , and don’t let us bloggers get you down into your confusion that will see you having ongoing visits generating greater harm on your lifand health e JB!
Once again, in English please Rodent?
Nick Xenophon outside Parliament House this morning with his Red Marker Pen, Mr Insider, writing on Newspapers “FAKE NEWS” when he saw some of todays headlines. We must give credit to the wonderful and astute POTUS Trump who alerted us all to the possibility of Fake News lest gullible young chaps like myself would continue to believe everything I read.
Seems the motor cycle gangland war continues in their chapters with another Hells Angels leader taken out near Oberon. If the cops are serious finding these blokes , all they need is wait outside these tattoo places where they get all their ink design graffiti plastered over their bodies.
Just looking at articles with Billy Shorten trying to engineer a war between whites vs aborigines , now some bloke called Stan Grant self spoksman for the indiginous cause saying white people years ago were trying to poison the aborigines years back .C’mon Bill, we are trying to promote peace in our communities while you are just lighting the fire all over again, Bill!
You need to read some of Stan Grant’s stuff Rodent, you might learn something.
Whether aboriginal people were poisoned may be open to debate Rodent. What we do know for certain is that aboriginal were massacred. Hers an introduction for you.
Someone raised fake news. Of course that is any news that don’t agree with. I do recall many here screaming about this. I expect they will now apologise for attacking every single member of a culture or religion.
Dismal Fake news is everywhere. it is a product of biased journalism especially those you link to. That article in Bild was suspect the first time I saw it. Confirmation of it comes as no surprise.
You should cast a doubting eye on all the trash you link to as well dismal. Just because fake news confirms your extreme beliefs does not mean it is true
Oh my. Here use this mirror. Irony is something you have never of heard of is it robin. my goodness.
“I expect they will now apologise for attacking every single member of a culture or religion.”
As an indication of your sincerity, perhaps you could get the apology ball rolling on Jack’s blog Dismayed, by directing your apology to all those “God botherers” on here who you have so often derided and ridiculed for worshiping what you refer to as “sky fairies”.
But I for one wont be holding my breath mate.
Whoa back Carl! Are you suggesting there is now proof available that these “sky fairies” you God botherers worship actually exist? In the face of such startling evidence I will be humbly apologising myself, and ask you to let said sky fairies know I will get around to a bit of worship myself when time permits.
Thanks. And God bless you me old mate.
(Odd isn’t it, I recently baptised myself and next thing you know God shows up. There might be something special about me do you reckon?” )
Yes, special is a word that could certainly apply…
I think so Milton. The Father, The Son, The Holy Ghost and Jean Baptiste.
Oh for God’s sake Jean, why take so long to declare yourself? You’ve reeked havoc on my latest triptych. An homage, in a decidedly post modern interpretation of decoupage informed by Dubuffet & art brut, AGW & Trump, Billy Childish etc and a serious lack of talent. The medium, if you will, is a melange, with a nod to Pasolini, of egg shells, fridge magnets (circa Howard), senate ballot papers, pubic hair (some red) that I’ve collected from thunder boxes en route to One Nation rallies, rollmop sticks and much ,much more.
Not happy, Jean! Nor is my amuse-bouche – a true artists inspiration.
I have walked among you for so long and you did not notice, I thought you never would.
You are not happy? Nothing could please me more.
Now, I could gladly accept “you reek of havoc” but “You have reeked havoc on my latest triptych” is very poor Milton.
Your art I am afraid is a banal sixties derivative, how about experimenting with a more edgy stimulus and a minimalist genre?
I’d wait until the report is scutinised.
It could be one of those internal reports that justify the actions of the authorities who did not cover themselves with glory on the night.
No thanks just showered. Don’t need it.
i don’t recall reading anything about frankfurt, i don’t read bild, but there was a lot said about cologne on NYE.
did you actually read the piece you linked to, or just the first paragraph?
Were I to have the choice of being insulted as an idiot or a whore, I’d definitely choose the latter.
I’m done.
Thank you linesmen, thank you ballboys- and thank you JTI – you’re a legend!
Spoilsport! Fess up Yvonne, I’ve heard you’ve got a gig in the new reality show “I’m an Aristocrat Get Me Out of Here.”
Cheers. Give ’em heaps.
Yvonne. I think you have read something into Dr Penny’s comment that is not there.
Maybe it’s just me but I find Scandinavian films leave me cold.
Their TV police dramas are usually well done though.
It’s only that way at the moment because you are a bit snowed under Milt.
You’ve obviously been watching the wrong ones. Milton. There’s plenty of hot chicks to be found in movies from Scandinavia that would have you warmed up in no time at all
Even the ones with nude bits leave me cold, but not stiff, Jolly Too clinical for mine. The Spanish are hotter and dare I say more hirsute!
Maybe you’re ready for some testosterone supplements Milt.
Have you seen “Helga Does the Hells Angels of Helsingor?” “Freya Gets Hot in Uppsala?” “No Holds Barred in Sogn og Fjordane?” “High Jinks in Husqvarna?”
Jean Baptiste says:
February 15, 2017 at 5:59 pm
“You’re operating in a narrow focus there Carl. It’s probably too much for your conservative denial myopia to contemplate.”
That’s a bit rough JB, I’d prefer that you leave my myopia out of it if you don’t mind. I’m quite well aware of my own afflictions and limitations.
Speaking of which, I’ve often wondered whether an AGW buff such as yourself favours the optimal fingerprint method a reliable enough test to disentangle anthropogenic from natural warming so as to dispel the belief that lurks in the minds of some on here (no names no thermometers) that global warming is simply due to a random swing in the earth’s already unstable climate.
Just a few, preferably unscientific, words of your own would suffice; bearing in mind that Knutti and Huber have a different theory that has no reference to fleas and elephant’s arses, as you are no doubt aware me old mate .
Dear Carl. Thank you for your enquiry. I will try to explain things as simply and as commensurate with your level of comprehension as I can.
Before the industrial revolution and the big increase in population, C02 production and absorption more or less balanced itself out. Thus the atmospheric levels of C02 and ocean temperatures were fairly stable.
When we started digging up sequestered carbon and burning it in massive quantities, billions of tons of it, natural absorption was unable to cope so the levels of C02 in the atmosphere were elevated, preventing more heat from escaping . That as been labelled “The Greenhouse Effect” The association can be clearly seen in the graphs.
When you look at the next image, and appreciate that though the Earth is very big, the amount of water and air in our atmosphere is very small. Which will help you to understand how a trillion tons of ice can be melted in Greenland alone in just four years. Which indicates to some scientists that the oceans are warming perilously. (Sorry, substitute “lots” for “perilously”. big word) And how quickly the increased C02 levels can affect our atmosphere which in scale is no thicker than a balloon stretched around a basketball.
You could say we dispose of our No 1’s and No2’s and household rubbish with great care but turn our water and air supplies into huge rubbish dumps. Many people think this is not a good idea.
I do hope this helps with your project. Your enquiries are most welcome and will be answered as soon as possible.
Snott says you and Baptiste should be tied together naked in a gunny sack and left to fight this out Coast. What do you say to that?
“gunny sack!” Who says “gunny sack”? Some daggy old Yank, of the same era, of similar freight, and looking very much like Burl Ives I imagine. Hmmm. Who could it be now…….