North Korea’s Supreme Leader, 36-year-old Kim Jong-un, is reported to be clinging to life after undergoing cardiovascular surgery.
And people say there’s no good news in the world these days.
The report came from the Daily NK, a web-based news service in South Korea which tries to make sense of the byzantine comings and goings of the North Korean power elite. Jong-un’s absence was noted on April 15, the hermit country’s most important public holiday – Sun Day, the birthday of Jong-un’s dead grandpa, Kim Il-sung.
According to the Daily NK, Jong-un underwent surgery three days prior to the biggest propaganda exercise in the DPRK calendar where military parades and mass ritualised celebrations are the order of the day. Jong-un was nowhere to be seen.
The South Koreans don’t make a habit of commenting on matters on the other side of the DMZ, so it was unusual for a government spokesman to come forward in an attempt to scotch rumours that Jong-un was set to fall off the branch. Jong-un was believed to be, the South Korean spokesman said, “in another part of the country” and as far as they could tell nothing especially unusual was going on.
As with all matters North Korean, the answer is there somewhere stuck in a mire of misinformation and deliberate deceit.
Right or wrong, the news has been taken seriously enough for US intelligence and defence agencies to game scenarios of transitions to power in a post-Jong-un DPRK.
The DPRK is the ultimate family business. Should the grossly obese, chain-smoking, hamburger-scoffing five-star PlayStation general put his cue in the rack, the Kim dynasty will be short another Kim on an already short Kim list.
Jong-un’s oldest brother, Kim Jong-nam was assassinated at Kuala Lumpur International Airport three years ago. Jong-un’s only surviving brother, Kim Jong-chul, four years his senior, was overlooked for the title role. Jong-chul is a huge Eric Clapton fan, having been spotted at Clapton concerts throughout South East Asia in recent years. He is said to live a quiet life in Pyongyang and plays in a band. A rock and roll hippy leader of the Hermit Kingdom? I don’t think so.
There are two sisters. Daddy’s girl, 45-year-old, Kim Sol-song was routinely seen glad handing the military at Kim-Jong-il’s side when he was still in the vertical. While she continues to hold senior positions in the Korean Workers’ Party, she largely slipped from view with Jong-un’s ascendancy.
The youngest of the Kim Brady Bunch is Kim Yo-jong who possesses the sort of overtly sweet, cherubic face that could launch a thousand death camps. Various human rights agencies have described her as having committed serious human rights abuses. In brutality at least, she ticks a lot of Kim Dynasty boxes.
But Stalinists don’t do gender theory and the Confucianist background predominant in North Korea where deference to older males is the cultural norm, makes either Sol-song or Yo-jong’s rise to power unlikely.
Jong-un has three children of his own, but they are all a long way from adulthood.
Esoteric as the argument might be, the Kim Dynasty does not fit accepted theories of political science. The country is often described as Stalinist which it certainly was back in Kim Il-sung’s day, but the dynastic nature of transitions of power have more in common with militarist fascist rulers in Africa.
This brings to mind the recent squabbling over where Hitler and the Nazis appear on the political spectrum. The uninformed point to nomenclature, the party’s political name, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, fixating on the second word but not the first and similarly ignoring the fact the Nazis fought pitched street battles with members of the German Communist Party all the way to Hitler seizing the Reichstag in 1933.
The real evidence comes from an analysis of the NSDAP’s performance in German elections. In 1928, the Nazis polled less than one per cent of the vote. By the 1930 election, they had 18 per cent of the vote almost all of it coming from the collapse of centre right parties, like the People’s Party and to an extent the Catholic Centre Party. The July 1932 election was the Nazi high watermark where it won 37 per cent of the vote (the election in November later that year would reduce Nazi support to 33 per cent) which occurred at the expense of moderate right and centrist parties most of whom splintered or disintegrated.
The right or left brouhaha is a pointless distraction. While the Nazis were certainly an extreme right-wing party, the real lesson of political science is what happens to an otherwise civilised democracy enduring times of great tumult when the centre all but disappears and extremism on the left and right is normalised.
The best description of Nazism is neither left or right but that it was a thug regime that relied on the economics of rolling conquest, transnational theft and mass murder to stay in power.
Both Nazism and the Kim Dynasty in North Korea highlight the limitations of a linear political spectrum. Extremes on the left and right have more in common than those who identify with the moderate centre.
Now in its third generation, the Kim Dynasty relies on continuity, from one Kim to another propagated on the propaganda lies of the dynasty’s supernatural powers.
If Jong-un dies soon, he will die without a clear successor. For the DPRK, the wall to wall, meat and drink propaganda will be harder to sell. The rise of a fourth member of the dynasty would appear to be unlikely, leaving the prospect of a massive power vacuum in a nuclear armed rogue state.
This column was first published at The Australian on 22 April 2020
Interesting to hear China threatening us. Not going to buy our wine and students may decide not to come here to study.
A good reason to work hard on other export markets rather than lazily send everything to China – and get back to providing quality tertiary education for a majority of Australian kids. UTas dug a big hole for itself here – churning out useless business degrees/diplomas by the thousand, buying up city centre buildings as they came on the market with all the lucre obtained from fee paying students – in a strange move to abandon the delightful Sandy Bay campus and move into the city. They have now scrapped a huge number of degrees on offer and it seems they are indeed going to concentrate on courses more suited to Tasmanians and mainlanders – climate and marine sciences for example.
We can adjust our dependency on China – although i don’t think China mentioned an intention to include iron ore or coal in it’s embargo!.
I recall reading an article that had them reducing the number of degrees on offer from something north of 500 to just over 100.
It would be fascinating to see the list of 400-odd now-disposable degrees that a relatively small and unimportant (sorry!) uni felt they had the resources to offer when rivers of gold were flowing their way.
What the university sector has done with itself over the last 20 years has been a travesty of bad management. I could write op-eds about it as I have held ever position in the hierarchy in the college except Dean. But, some of you know my employer, and know that they don’t really tolerate opposing points of view. I still get a few contracts from them, so until that stops, I really can’t lay it all bare.
One of our biggest failings is that about 60% of university budgets across the board go for bureaucracy. Basically, we’re Centrelink with classrooms.
Thanks to JWH Dwight
It was a joke, TBLS. They forked out about $60million dollars last year buying two city hotels in a panic – because they could not accommodate all the oseas students they had accepted (the surplus were housed in shipping containers) – and also snapped up a few other buildings for a seemingly insane plan to move the entire campus jnto the city. …… a St Andrews, Oxford or Cambridge they are not!. Paid way above market value in their frenzy. Interestingly, one of those buildings is featured in today’s paper as being up for lease – carved up into office spaces.!! They had all their eggs in China’s basket ….
A hard lesson for UTas- but maybe it will rise from the ashes and become a uni offering courses with integrity again. Tge Sandy Bay campus us delightful and they have the IMAS Antarctic Sciences building down at the docks. There is also the Hedburg, a world class music faculty close to completion.Plenty of potential to redeem thenselves!
I didn’t know about UTas but I agree the more degrees geared to climate & marine science the better.
Hopefully they won’t waiver from that plan for the $$$ Boa.
If Australia is “a bit like chewing gum stuck on China’s shoes” then we should advise them to cleanse those said shoes by giving us a big miss. They must abandon all ownership of OUR agricultural lands & the thousands of ritzy Harbour-side houses and apartments they have bought for their offspring since they will no longer be ‘buying’ a prized Australian university degree.
That’ll do it. How dare they?
I’m with you Bella, 100%.
Thank-you Carl.
So sick of China hoarding Australian assets when it’s certainly not in our best interests. 😔
Bella, China owns about 1% of Australian Agricultural land UK, Canada and 3 or more countries own more Australian agricultural land than China. The coalition are using the trumpian play book to distract from their numerous failings from last September on bushfires and the Ruby Princess debacle. Every decision made by the coalition is politics and ideology first and National interest way down the track.
Just off topic quickly if I may, Mr Insider, a superb Book can recommend is “The Pacific in the Wake of Captain Cook” by Meaghan Wilson Anastasios, 2018, with Sub Commentary by Actor Sam Neill. Tells the story of Cook before and after and from the point of view of the many Peoples he visited. He was not necessarily held in high esteem by very many. Cheers
Kim Jong-un so young too, Mr Insider, 36yo, now this “illness” was not on his Murderous Itinerary for sure “if” he is actually sick OR not staging a Power Ploy Trick to flush out those that might want his job only for him to spring back to good health and supervise the Quick Ugly Demise of those very persons. Hes a cunning little devil is young Kimmie.
What we need is an “Expert” on whats going on in North Korea, someone very sympathetic to Kimmie and who Admires Kimmie’s Exploits. Now who can that be I wonder?
I think you’re flogging a dead horse HB. Our old mate JB has long goorrn (metaphorically I hope).
Yes, it now seems that Kim’s reported heart surgery was only exploratory. His doctors were simply checking to see if he had one.
Good one, Carl.
Well, we’re told that toilets are unnecessary for him, so maybe??
JTI does the NK daily have any credibility? I don’t know it’s history. For him to go into surgery just 3 days before a must attend event would be highly unusual unless of course it was the surgery immediately or the ‘dirt nap’.
What I do know is the South Koreans would do anything to keep things calm and not spook the Northern Generals. I’d also love to know the COVID figures. It could be something as simple as the disease raging through Nth Korea and the little prick has just dived into self imposed isolation whilst the Chinese sort it out for him.
He’s not little, mate. Reports have him around 130 kgs. Tough when no one has the gumption to hint that it might be an idea to lose a few pounds. It’s not just the NK Daily now (which is reputable in so far as one can see through the mud in the DPRK). China has sent doctors to assist. There’s no way of knowing just yet but he may have C-19 and a good many people in his country, especially those at the elite level, may have too. Interesting times.
Fat little prick then! 🤣
Brad Pitt does Dr Fauci on SNL. Quite funny
I may be melodramatic in a medieval kind of way here but it may not go too well for his wife and kids presuming an eldest male child is well under the age of ten.
Can’t see either of the sisters taking power because that would mean they would have to have a secure support base on the sneaky and that would be extremely difficult with the levels of paranoia that Kim seems to display in regard to his person.
My guess is he is secretly on location on the set of the upcoming TV blockbuster ‘The Biggest Loser – North Korea’.
This will allow Kim to not only re-emerge Mad Vlad-like atop a white stallion, all rippling abs and bulging biceps, but also for the DPRK to capitalise on its well-deserved reputation as a global leader in crash dieting.
The holiday camps there have weight-loss regimes that are out of this world and have seen quite a lot of people . . . well, out of this world.
I was thinking new series of Big Brother–except the government sends you into the house, and no one gets out.
Yes, when Big Brother calls you to the Diary Room you’d better make sure your affairs are in order . . .
Beautifully surmised, TBLS, you might be closer to the Truth than you think! Cheers
Good piece JTI. Living in Malaysia at the time of the elder brothers assassination, it certainly shocked the nation that it could have been carried out at the airport so brazenly. Two young women (who thought they were on a reality prank show they say) attacked him with a cloth doused in a deadly chemical….hmmm. It was shocking enough to even bother Najib Razak, the PM at the time. Fairly sure his wife Rosmah would have approved though.
My first trip to KL was about six months after that–noticed how slack security and customs were.
I think our esteemed Blogger, Mr Baptiste, could shed some light on this, Mr Insider, bless the dear man he is a real fan of the Murderous Kim Jong-un.
Come out Mr Baptiste we know you are over in North Korea!