Humble servant of the Nation

Scammers out in force to make a dollar from frightening times

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Kenneth Copeland

Scammers, charlatans, hucksters, grifters – they all come out of their hidey holes in times of strife.

Last week we were treated to a new episode in the unfolding epic of addled celebrity chef, Pete Evans and his vexed relationship with medical science.

Not content with pushing a diet of the type that promises adherents will live longer if they eat like humans did during the Stone Age when the average life expectancy was 27, Paleo Pete excitedly told those dumb enough to listen that he was in possession of a light source which had “recipes” that could fight the “Wuhan Coronavirus.”

This led to the delicious prospect, at least in my mind of an excited minion bursting through the doors of the Oval Office with a furrowed brow POTUS sitting at his desk trawling through dark pandemic death toll statistics.

“Mr President, Mr President … Pete Evans has a lamp.”

It would be funny except for the fact Pete Evans has more than 1.5 million Facebook followers.

If you’ve ever wondered how many idiots there are in Australia, I’d suggest that is a pretty decent guide. We could call it the Evans Australian Idiot Index. It could really come in handy.

Meanwhile in the US, Alex Jones from Info Wars was flogging a toothpaste superbly branded “Superblue Silver Immune Gargle” that he claimed killed the SARS/Coronavirus family at “point blank range.” SARS and Coronavirus are not family. They’re not even related.

Jones received a fairly curt directive from the US Food and Drug Administration and then another even shorter cease and desist missive from the US Trade Commission and alas, the miracle gargle is no more.

It is no surprise that the pandemic has scrambled many brains in the televangelist movement, all of whom recite The Bible while fixing a hypnotic gaze on our television screens but never, ever mention Matthew 19:23-26. Funny that.

Some have gone down the aged old path of making a quid out of other people’s fear and misery.

Charismatic preacher Jim Bakker has been flogging colloid silver for some time, claiming all sorts of dubious medical benefits. More recently, he has gone a step further describing his silver (and only his) can be used to treat COVID-19.

If you believe that, I’ve got a state room on the Ruby Princess to sell you. Going cheap. No queues for the buffet.

If it’s a character reference you seek for Bakker, there is none better than one provided by the late leader of the Moral Majority, Jerry Falwell. Falwell described the evangelist as a liar, an embezzler, a sexual deviant, and “the greatest scab and cancer on the face of Christianity in 2,000 years of church history.”

See, I would have said the Spanish Inquisition, but Falwell is closer to these things than I am. Or he was.

The granddaddy of all the charismatic set is Kenneth Copeland, a walking, Bible thumping example that money can get you almost anything with the exception of successful Botox treatments.

Copeland, who possesses a 1000-yard stare that could bend titanium, dismissed COVID-19 as no worse than the flu early doors and ordered his followers to break iso and park their backsides at one of his many churches. If they fell ill, he said, no worries. What better place to be for a quick laying on of the hands healing?

When the pandemic took a turn for the worse and Copeland was forced to clear the pews, he urged his followers to touch their televisions as a means of vaccination by proxy.

This all might be fine except for the fact that this creepy creeping Jesus has now exorcised COVID-19 on three occasions. His latest attempt involved a chant ending with him making a farting noise with his lips, amusingly imitated by his devotees, claiming he had summoned “the wind of God”.

“COVID-19, you are destroyed forever, and you will never be back.”

That was last week. Just looking at the infection rates in the US today, a fourth Copeland exorcism can only be days away. If at first, you don’t succeed …

When the virus started having its dreadful impact on the US, Copeland insisted his followers continue tithing (donating a fixed percentage of their incomes or assets to the church) even if they had lost their jobs. Copeland has an estimated net worth of US$760 million. One big, fat camel trying to pop his head through the eye of a needle, right there.

These are highly entertaining grifters who practice a cocktail of medieval sorcery and extreme capitalism but elsewhere there are more genuine concerns about organised crime syndicates setting themselves loose on the world.

There is more spam and more junk being delivered to our emails every day. The worst of these are phishing emails which seek to trick the receiver into passing on personal information like bank account details, PINs et cetera. Spam filters help but they can create a false sense of confidence.

These are not the old Nigerian Prince-type scams. They are becoming increasingly sophisticated. I note the surge of new domain registrations ending in Not registered by our federal government but from con artists on the make.

Suffice to say, if someone you don’t know and have never heard of wants your personal details (name, address and date of birth is sufficient to commit identity fraud) then it’s a good idea to delete the email. Don’t look at it, don’t read it. Send it to straight to the cyber junkyard.

In the US, an app surfaced which offers those who download it the ability to identify others with COVID-19. If you’re wondering how it works, it doesn’t. When the user clicks on the app to download it, the computer shuts down with an ominous blue screen. That’s it. Pay the ransom or go and get yourself a new laptop. Even if you do, files not stored on the cloud will continue to be inaccessible.

And then there are even more insidious scams we barely know about and have virtually no control over.

There are reports of dodgy Chinese based companies flogging COVID-19 test kits for under $100.

It’s illegal to sell this stuff in Australia but that’s no real deterrent. The test kits are relatively harmless for users in that they stand no chance of suffering any immediate harm but the tests themselves are unreliable, throwing up great swathes of false positives and false negatives.

The danger is that people will rely on these tests and, confident of the results, will go out into the community to spread an infection they don’t know they have or go badgering an already strained public health system for no good reason.

The world is being swamped by bootlegged personal protective equipment, especially dodgy N-95 respirators and surgical masks not made to standard. Most of this junk is coming from profiteering companies in China and plays into chronic shortages of PPE around the world.

It’s bad enough the People’s Republic of China kicked this pandemic off, lied about it and under reported their infection rates and deaths by hundreds of thousands. Now an army of Chinese fraudsters are seeking to profit from it.

These are frightening times and there will always be those who seek to profit from a fear that is real, almost tangible. So much so that if you thought about it for long enough, you’d go looking for the Silver Gargle Toothpaste just to take the edge off the anxiety.

This column was published in The Australian 16 April, 2020


  • Boa says:

    How about this to warm the heart.
    99yr old Capt Tom Moore in the UK – who set out to raise GBP1000 for the NHS by walking lengths of his garden.
    He has now raised GBP25million!! What a dear old fellow.

  • Dwight says:

    Boa: “I dream of days when this is all over and we can spread our wings again.”

    I have to agree. I can work from home–but when I start looking forward to Zoom sessions with my MBA students, that’s a net negative. I have a cleaning lady come in fortnightly. The occasional Uber driver when I need to buy things. I get more WhatsApp messages from my wife’s employer than I do from anyone else. I haven’t seen my lovely wife in a month–as she’s locked down in the next suburb. I am going to have a wine with my neighbor in the carport this week.

    I sooooo want to have lunch with my wife at the beachfront Italian bistro that’s a seven-minute (I’m getting slower) from my townhouse. I’ve asked her employer if I can borrow his yacht and run for Vanuatu.

    But, we persevere, because we really have no option. If I can’t go to a pub soon, I’m going full The Shining!

    Kidding. Mostly. *laugh*

    • John L says:

      Hey Dwight,
      Ask your very computer literate wife about the security holes in Zoom.
      She will probably confirm your statement that the only privacy left is your unspoken and unwritten thoughts in your head.
      However, it wil not be long before that is assessible also

  • Mack the Knife says:

    Good one Jack. Tammy Bakker’s eye makeup wouldn’t pass through the eye of a needle, never mind a camel’s head. Made my day, thanks. Actually didn’t know Jim Bakker was still around, must be out on parole.

  • Carl on the Coast says:

    Yes, scammers are bounders and they abound that’s for sure. But some con artists must be so gullible themselves as to assume the level of naivety among the credulous folk is such that they don’t even recognise an honest swindle when they see one. Everyone knows you can’t buy a burger with a bitcoin. Just ask the astroturfers who work for McDonald’s. And just as the initial coin offering of pump and dump cryptocurrency cannot be used to purchase mining malware unless your coin wallet is not a legitimate blockchain impersonator.

    Its simple. Phishing attempts are nothing more than sharks after minnows. If you cant recognise that, get hold of the Karate Kid video featuring Mr Miyagi.

  • Boa says:

    Disturbing to read of Trump’s re-election tactics to stir up his voting entourage into re-opening the USA prematurely and pressure the state governors. Dangerous, lunatic stuff.
    It was also interesting to read of China’s alleged actions. Covered up the breakout of the virus and whilst doing so imported critical medical supplies in bulk from all over the world – leaving many countries with the shortages they are now experiencing. Now China is playing the big benefactor in supplying desperate countries – especially those third world ones that they have their eye on. Who is going to deal with them when all this is over?

    • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

      Trump will romp the 2020 Elections in, Boa, Daylight second. Cheers

      • Penny says:

        You have a serious problem Henry….stop making ridiculous statements to bring attention to yourself. Go ahead and drool over Trump if you want to, but please don’t insult our intelligence with your puerile nonsense and stop talking down to people on this blog….this might surprise you a Henry but all of us have a brain. Use yours intelligently and grow up.

        • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

          Penny the Public Servant how are you Penny how is your “Bill Shorten” thing going lovie? My goodness you touted the despised Bill long and hard didn’t you, putting yourself in a special category of the “Worst Political Tipster Ever” along with a couple of others. Bill was and is reviled here in QLD sweetie. Bless you gel, you know no other life I suspect you are “institutionalised” in the Socialist way of life, my Pity goes out to you. Time you grew up lassie. Cheers keep safe as we.

        • John L says:

          Now now Penny
          Practice what you preach.
          Tolerance is the key on this blog.
          If you think Biden is electable, then that is you opinion.
          If Henry thinks the oposite, then he is entitled to it.
          Personally, I think Biden will be an unmitigated disaster. He sure as hell better have a good running mate.

  • Boa says:

    Razor says:
    APRIL 17, 2020 AT 10:44 PM
    Jeezus JTI I have a comeback for those two sentences but I worry about Boa, Bella A d Penny’s tender ears!

    Spoilsport! We’re grown up girls, Razor! Always happy to learn anyway :-)) I think my ears can take it….

  • Razor says:

    From the previous article. Teachers are front line workers and as such should be at school teaching. Nurses, doctors, police, ambulance and fire are doing it why can’t they? Nobody is throwing them under a bus. Also Morrison has been sending his kids to school so your drum on that point is plain wrong.

    • Trivalve says:

      Teachers are surrounded by kids who in their wildest dreams cannot and will not keep away from each other. This whole ‘kids don’t get/pass the virus’ is the biggest load of bullshit since Cormann last opened his mouth. You have no idea the hours that teachers are putting in at the moment trying to get remote lessons going. And, before the holidays started there were kids coming anyhow. A few essential service offspring, but in general the progeny of arseholes who couldn’t be bothered keeping them at home. So most of the behavioural problems keep coming, undiluted.

      But I’ll tell my wife you said she should get back there.

    • Bella says:

      Can teachers opt out if they are immune compromised or old Razor?If they’re regarded as ‘frontline’ workers, are they provided the necessary protections such as gloves & masks?
      How would you know if Morrison’s kids are being sent to school mate?
      It’s quite the opposite from what I have read. Seriously.
      Bella 🙄

  • Razor says:

    Great yarn mate! Gave me a giggle. I found the merciless lampooning of paleo Pete particularly satisfying. Whenever humanity has troubles, whether it be flood, plague or famine there will always be human equivalent of the detritus of the sewers ready to rise up to try and take advantage of the situation. It’s the way we are but I take solace in the fact the scum are only a very small percentage.

  • The Bow-Legged Swantoon says:

    Pete Evans says his magic lamp is “a pretty amazing tool”.

    I think Pete Evans is also a pretty amazing tool!

  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    Kenneth Copeland features high on your list of Covid-19 Scammers, Mr Insider and so he should. It’s ALL about making the $$$$$$’S for Big Shonky Kenny, who I might add at 83yo isn’t far off meeting his Maker who must be aghast at this Religious Snake Oil Salesman.

    Matthew 24:5 says “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many”. I suggest Big Kenny is about to receive his “real reward” for a Lifetime of Deception and taking Money from Poor Folk, his ONLY Occupation. In the Clip below, Crazy Kenny goes right off, it’s to your Drinks Cabinet after watching this!

    • The Bow-Legged Swantoon says:

      I was asking myself before whether I could justify starting another day with brekky beers and having just watched that I’m damned glad I did!

      What’s even more entertaining is the comments under the clip. There are some funny buggers out there!

      • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

        Plenty in the USA, TBLS, the land of the Free and that means “free expression” too, bless them all, I am a hugs fan of the USA having been there many times, last visit in 2019 I saw a Trump MAGA Rally live. Cheers keep well and safe as we

        • Dwight says:

          That First Amendment comes in handy. Had an argument with someone decrying “hate speech” which is now any speech they hate, and had him sputtering when I pointed out it was explicitly protected.

          I’m a fan of the Second as well, but that just opens up too many arguments. Nearly got physical recently.

          Why don’t they argue about the Third?

        • The Bow-Legged Swantoon says:

          Went shopping for the first time in nearly a month the other day and as if the roped-off shopfronts and general Zombie Apocalypse vibe wasn’t Twilight Zone enough I saw a bloke wearing a MAGA hat! In Mansfield, Victoria!

          Strange days indeed:

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