Humble servant of the Nation

The real Trump derangement syndrome

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Trump derangement syndrome was said to be a disorder found among those who see consistent fault in the words and deeds of the 45th POTUS.

Certainly, there have been cases where the media has been unfair and unreasonable in its treatment of Trump. The street corner psychoanalysis of Trump as often found on the pages of The Washington Post and the New York Times has been especially tedious and lamentable.

But we have a better understanding of Trump derangement syndrome now and those who point a finger at Trump’s critics have got it the wrong way around.

It is said of Trump’s presidency that no matter how chaotic or scandal riddled it has been, the media can always turn to an interview with a small group sporting MAGA baseball caps in diners in the back blocks of Wisconsin or Ohio or Arizona or western Pennsylvania who say they love Donald Trump more than ever.

I suspect there’ll be fewer of them now but still plenty for the media to call upon at will. After Helsinki, the predictable ‘Trump can do no wrong’ response is especially revealing of the symptoms and signs of the dreaded real Trump derangement syndrome.

Full column here.


  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    Forgot to mention, Mr. Insider, when I posted below there was someone else’s Comment Name and Email in my posting box, no one I recognised though. Am sure you will get it all sorted out soon. Cheers

  • Razor says:

    He certainly appears to be in trouble the old Donald. Wonder what Vlad showed him while they were alone. Maybe the alleged ‘wet games’ happenned…………..

    On a brighter note I no longer get JS’s details up when I post. Good for JS. I was going to start joining him up to certain ‘clubs’ of debatable morals today. The one which offered a free rubber Gina Reinhardt doll seemed particularly interesting.

  • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

    Great read, Mr. Insider, have read in full in the Oz but don’t comment there. Was talking to my dear friend in Greenville South Carolina in the last 24 hours and her, a Trump supporter, is 120% behind Trump as always and her friends and relos. We see things in the USA from a funny point of view here in Australia, as they see us too in fact. Trump has been very clever to continually go round the Country doing Rallies and in 2 years from now when the Elections are on he will am sure have cemented his Presidency ready for the 2nd 4-year term. Time will tell of course. We here have our own uncertain Electoral position with Turnbull and Shorten to contend with FGS. As for his “tongue slip” with the “would” and “wouldn’t” goodness I am sorry Donald as much as I admire you that was NOT a slip of the tongue!

  • BASSMAN says:

    Trump is an international embarrassment. He has debased the office of the Presidency and has made his country many enemies-nations that were once America’s best friends. Of course we continue to kow-tow. That is out way. Sheepishly led by the Liberals.
    Trump’s assaults on the United Nations, The Human Rights Council, The Paris Agreement on Emissions, his trade war with China, his inability to retain staff, the contempt he is held by even fellow Republicans, his continuous lying and his bragging of his assaults on women-Gawd and I thought Bush was a disaster. I could go on…. That said, Trumper still has strong support amongst those who ‘elected’ him and if the college gerrymander works as it did last time Trump could easily win again with 3 million votes less than his opposite number.

    Update:-How are ‘the adults’ managing the economy?

    • Henry Donald J Blofeld says:

      Would you vote for Hillary BASSMAN, please tell me, fellow non Aussie Voter, you would not? Cheers P.S. what are we going to do at the Federal Election surely someone will take our eye and please don’t say Pauline shes on the nose here in her Home State of QLD!

      • BASSMAN says:

        Yes I wld because like in Oz Turnbull does not run the country-the bureaucrats, Ph.D’s and advisors are the engine room, assisted by international factors. What does Morrison know about Economics? And he is the Treasurer! Hillary would be assisted by the brains around her whereas Trump takes no notice.

    • jack says:

      the UN, the Human Rights Council and the Paris Agreement are all deserving of criticism, and plenty of it.

      Perhaps not the Human Rights Council, it should simply be ignored for the disgraceful farce it is. Embarassing even for the UN, and that is saying something.

      BTW, there is one western country that is doing a good job of reducing its CO2 emissions.

    • Bella says:

      At least when Alec Baldwin impersonates Trump he can stick to the script. To be fair to the orange narcissist, he frequently fails to grasp spoken English and also believes no means yes.

  • jack says:

    Van Badham

    “I’m not saying that today’s Poland, America, Russia, Turkey or Hungary are fascist countries. I’m saying fascism seeks to establish an authoritarian government headed by an autocratic leader through the bestowal of enriching favour on regime-friendly private enterprises, restricting the press, politicising justice and policing, the suppression of opposition and relentless persecution of minorities. The ultimate goal of the fascist project is to concentrate power in the hands of an unaccountable few.”

    she really does get it right, she accurately describes China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc

  • Lou oTOD says:

    Not sure about all the excitement, he’s clearly just blowing his own Trump.

  • The Outsider says:

    Donald Trump has so far been without reproach among the GOP, which is scared of alienating Trump’s moronic hardcore base. After the Vladimir Putin debacle I hope that the GOP can grow a spine and disendorse the clown currently masquerading as POTUS before the next election or, failing that, impeach Trump instead.

    I somehow doubt, although it was heartening to see some GOP folks, including Paul Ryan, call Trump out for this latest debacle.

    • Razor says:

      Keep calling them morons TO and the more certain it is they will turn out to vote.

    • Wissendorf says:

      I’m not sure a Party can disendorse a sitting President. I think it unlikely they would. I can’t find a historical precedent. Dwight may be able to provide more info on that. My personal feeling is he won’t recontest. Presently the GOP control the Executive, the Senate, the House, a majority of State Legislatures, and a majority of seats in State Legislatures. The GOP hold 56% of all elected positions in the USA. The Dems have become a political irrelavancy.

      I’ve read both President Trump’s pre-election book ‘Making America Great Again’, and Candidate Clinton’s post election book, ‘What Happened’, hers twice. There’s a burning question I can’t find an answer for, and none of the pundits I’ve read has approached. This election marked the lowest voter turnout in US history; if DID NOT VOTE had been a candidate, DID NOT VOTE would have swept to power with 490 EC votes, Candidate Clinton 2nd in the 30’s, President Trump 3rd with about 12, Faith Spotted Eagle 4th with 1. The split of non voting registered voters was even between the Parties, yet, 60% of all non-voting registered Democrats were, white, female and had a College education. Why did Candidate Clinton’s key demographic go MIA on election day? The number involved would have ensured a Clinton victory, but they stayed home. If anyone knows, and I’m sure Candidate Clinton does know, they aren’t saying. Until the Dems identify and own the problem, their numbers will remain stalled.

      • The Outsider says:

        Either a lot of those who normally vote Democrat decided that their vote wasn’t needed because there was no way that Trump could win, or they couldn’t hold their noses while voting for Hillary. Either way, they won’t be so complacent about a Trump defeat come the next election.

        • Razor says:

          I think you are on the mark TO and it was a combination of both your scenarios. As for next time I think he’ll win again and do it in a canter unless the Dems go with someone special. The Donald appears to be a pretty good retail politician on the home front which shows brains and ability play no part in retail politics.

      • Jean Baptiste says:

        Because they projected, assuming that a majority of Americans weren’t so silly as to vote for Trump, and their vote was unnecessary. They were correct, more people voted for Clinton, but not enough.
        Also a significant number who would never actually vote for Trump were just plain curious as to what would happen if an orang utan became President. Sounds perverse, but it’s true.

      • Dwight says:

        Pierce, Fillmore, Tyler, Andrew Johnson, and Arthur were denied the nomination by their parties after their first terms, so they did not run in the general election.
        LBJ was the last President not to seek a second term, but had served one of his one and nearly half of JFK’s.
        Trump is going nowhere.

        • Wissendorf says:

          Thanks for that Dwight. I’ll read up on the whys and wherefores when I get home. My reason for thinking President Trump would not re-contest are his age, he would be 74 at the start of a second term, and persistent rumours of ill health.

  • Milton says:

    Egads I think the guvnor is suggesting i’m deranged judging from a comment I made last night.

    • Jack The Insider says:

      What flavour is the Kool Aid this week, Milton?

      • Milton says:

        Jelly donut, but I only pretend to drink as it’s superfluous to my needs. But by jingoes those that do imbibe on the other side have really supped deep from the cup. That bit about “empire” and its demise was top shelf and really struck a chord. If empire is good enough for Vidal then it is good enough for me. Personally I prefer my empire’s to have more steamy baths and nudity but there you go.
        Anywho, it would seem that you have figured out what to do with your days and i’m sure it will keep you amused. Don’t forget to add polemicist to your cv!

  • BASSMAN says:


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